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Parliament taxed the colonists

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Q: Who taxed the colonists during the townshend acts?
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Why did the parliament repeal the townshend?

The townshend acts were repealed because the colonists didn't believe they should be taxed on every little thing.

Who were the colonists taxed by?

they were taxed by king george III because he needed money for the french and Indian war : )

Who was being taxed in the townshend acts?

The settlers

What tax was placed on glass paper paint lead and tea?

The British Parliament placed a tax on these items prior to the American Revolution. This act was called the Townsend Act and was enacted in 1767.

What did the townshend acts tax?

It taxed glass, paper, paint and lead.

The product taxed under the townshend acts that generated?


Commodity that continued to be taxed after the townshend acts were repealed?


What taxed paint glass lead and tea?

That was the Townshend Acts. :)

What type of tax was the townshend act?

The Townshend Acts were a type of external tax. The Townshend Acts were enacted in 1767 and the colonists were opposed to it.

In 1770 what items were taxed by the Townshend Acts?

The goods taxed, included basic items-such as glass, tea, paper, and lead-had to import because the did not produce them. ---S.L.B.

What tax was the townshend acts?

In the Townshend Acts, things like lead, paint, paper, glass, and tea were taxed. (The Revenue Act of 1767).

Why were colonists determined to be economically independent after the townshend acts were passed?

Colonists were determined to be economically independent afterr the Townshend Acts were passed because they enforced heavy taxation.