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Q: Who was considered the most radical rebel?
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Shema is the most basic statement in Judaism, it's considered to be a radical statement because it's very important and needs to recite twice a day.

What political party was considered radical in the south?

Initially - around the time of Reconstruction - the Republican Party was considered radical.

What is synonym of terrorist?

The synonym of terrorist is - radical, rebel, incendiary.

Which labor union is considered most radical?

In the USA, SEIU, Service EMployees International. Heavily prone to thuggery.

Is ozone considered as radical?

Ozone is a free radical. The singly bonded oxygen has an unpaired electron.

What is the most radical religion in the world?

There are defiantly is not any "most radical religion" in the world

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The Bolsheviks were radical Marxist revolutionaries.

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They believed in nonviolence and equality

Why were the Quakers considered radical in the England?

They believed in nonviolence and equality

Who was the most radical of the Mannerist painters?

El Greco

Who was the most radical white abolitionist and what the name of his newspaper?

William Lloyd Garrison was considered one of the most radical white abolitionists. He founded and edited the newspaper "The Liberator." Garrison was known for his uncompromising stance against slavery and his calls for immediate emancipation.