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Charles Townshend, the English Parliament by Chancellor of Exchequer introduced the Townshend Act. It imposed duties on tea, paper, paints, lead and glass imported into colonies in 1767.

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Q: Who was involved in the townshed act?
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It passed in 1767.

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These were some of the items on which duties (taxes) were levied by England on its American colonies.

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The stamp act. it was passed in 1765 and it was passed before the delaratory act, townshed act, quartering act, and the sugar act.

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The stamp act. it was passed in 1765 and it was passed before the delaratory act, townshed act, quartering act, and the sugar act.

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At the time of the act all of the colonies were British so all of them were loyal to the king.

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townshed - you stop selling stuff usuaslly porno equipt stamp act - no foods stamp