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Q: Who was the first one to use negative number?
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When do you use a negative rational number?

You use a negative rational number when an answer is below zero.

How do you use a positive number to get a negative number?

Multiply the positive number by any negative number and it will result in a negative number.

How do you use coordinates?

Start at zero and move the value of the first number right (move left if negative) Then move up the value of the second number (down if negative)

How do you use positive number in a sentence?

A negative number multiplied by a negative number will yield a positive number.

What was the first culture to use negative integers?

The Chinese and Hindu were the first to use negative integers

When do you use a negative numbers?

You use a negative rational number when an answer is below zero.

What two numbers when using one negative number when multiplied together equal 405?

Since 405 is positive, using one negative number forces one to actually use two negative numbers. The pair -1x-405 would work for instance.

Which cultures were the first to use negative numbers?

The first place to use negative integers was China around 200 B.C

HOW Can you use absolute to represent a negative number in a real-world situation?

use a absolute value to represent a negative number in the real world

What do you get when you add a positive and negative number?

First, subtract the absolute values of the integers, then use the greater absolute value's sign.

Where would you use a negative rational number?

Anywhere where negative quantities exist.

How can you use absolute value to represent a negative number in a real-world situation?

use a absolute value to represent a negative number in the real world