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explain why the conversion factor for cm2 to mm2 is 100 and not 10

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Q: Why are the units for area are always stated as a square of some units of length?
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Why is area stated in square units?

the units for area are always stated as a square of some units of lengths?

Are the units for finding perimeter always square?

No, perimeter is always measured in units of length (L)

Why is area always written in square units?

Area is always reported in square units because a square unit measures the length and width on a square. Square units measure the surface of a square or rectangle.

Area is always expressed in?

Area is always expressed in some unit of area. This is often some unit of length, squared - for example square meters, or square millimeters. However, there are units (such as the acre) which are not the square of a unit of length.

What is the area of a square with sides the length of six?

The area of a square of length m is m2 Accordingly, for a square of side length 6 length units = 62 square units. = 36 square units

What is the side length of a square with an area of 2 square units?

The side length of a square with an area of 2 square units is: 1.414 units.

What units is the answer always written in for a perimeter problem?

perimeters will always be length so we have units of lenght such as mm, inch, feet etc. NOT area, so no square feet or square yards etc.

How many square units is the area of the square?

Take the length of a side (a square has all 4 sides same length) in the units, and square that number (multiply it by itself), then take the units as square units. Example: a square has a side length of 3 units, then the area = (3 units)2 = 9 units2.

How do you calculate the length of a square given area?

The length of the side of a square of area x square units is sqrt(x) units.

Area of the square?

Length of Side*Length of Side (in square units).

What is the area of a square that has a side length of 4x4 units?

16 square units

What is the area of a square with a side length of 2.5 units?

6.25 square units