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It was an equation to start with. That is, both sides were equal. So, if you do the same thing to each side they will still be equal. You can also add or subtract the same number from each side and they will be equal. As long as you treat both sides the same they will remain the alike -- that is, they will remain equal.

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Q: Why can you multiply or divide both sides of an equation by the same number and still have the equation be true?
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What are the properties in solving equations and inequations?

You can add, subtract, multiply, or divide both sides of the equation or inequality by the same number. Don't multiply or divide by zero. In the case of an inequality, if you multiply or divide by a negative number, the sign of the inequality must be reversed. E.g., if you multiply both sides by -2, a "less-than" sign should be replaced by a "greater-than" sign.

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The size of the quantities involved doesn't matter. As long as you add or subtract (or divide or multiply) the same number to or from both sides of the equation, then the two sides remain equal.

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The difference is that instead of the sign "=", an inequality sign, for example "<" (less-than) is used. For solving inequalities, you can add, subtract, multiply or divide both sides by the same number, similar to an equation; however, if you multiply or divide by a negative number, the direction of the inequality changes. For example, "<" becomes ">".

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I think its a property in which both sides of an equation are equal either by adding, subtracting, multiplication, or division.

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The sign changes if you multiply/divide by a negative number. It stays the same if you add/subtract by a negative number.

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Beginning with 4n = 3.60, divide both sides of the equation by 4 to get 4n/4 = 3.60/4. Carrying out the division we get n = 0.9, the answer. You can multiply or divide both sides of any equation by the same number to help you isolate the value for which you wish to solve. The equation remains true whenever the same factor is applied to all terms in both sides. (Exception: cannot divide by zero.)

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You can make lots of equations that have the solution 21. Here is one:x = 21If you think that is too trivial, add, subtract, multiply, or divide the same number to or from both sides.

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Do you see any differences from an equation when you add or subtract numbers to both sides of the inequality sign?

No, the process is exactly the same. However, when you multiply or divide, you must be careful: if you multiply or divide by a negative number, the direction of the inequality must be changed, for example: -x + 3 > 15 (multiply by -1) x - 3 < -15

What is the easiest way to solve inequalities?

It is very similar to solving an equation. You can add or subtract the same term from both sides. In addition, you can multiply or divide both sides by the same thing. A couple of things to note, though, if you multiply or divide both sides by a negative number, the inequality must be flipped [greater than (>) becomes less than (