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Q: Why do africans have bigger butts than caucasians?
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Why are Boy's butts so much bigger than Girl's butts?

Boys are bigger than Girls in general.

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the foot is bigger

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yes they are bigger than a pencil

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Why are guys butts bigger than girls?

Women are child bearing.

What pecentage of Africans are white?

While there are nonative or aboriginal Caucasians on the African continent, ancient Egyptians were much lighter skinned than the people found on the rest of the continent. Caucasians or "whites" are indigenous to Europe.

What is a quarter most likely to land on?

HEADS!! Because our heads are bigger than our butts!! :)

Why do all Males have bigger butts than Females?

Genetics or possibly Working out.

Why do Men have bigger butts than Women?

no that is too much wrong myth i see a lot of men with big butts and fat belly

Why do boys have bigger bottoms than girls?

Women do have bigger butts then men to make child-birth easier and we mostly store our fats down there while men store theirs in their stomachs/midsection. We also have wider pelvises which also make our butts look bigger.

Why are African-Americans bigger than Africans?

African Americans are not bigger than Africans. We are all the same people just with different cultures and resources. African Americans have better gyms around their communities and have better opportunities when it comes to playing professional and college sports from football, basketball, baseball and rugby, therefore making them more physically in shape and conditioned. Don't be fooled you have some Africans who are 10x bigger than African Americans.

What was the Philosophic rationale for slavery?

The most popular rationale for slavery is Africans and indigenous people (Native Americans) were better equipped to handle rigorous labor and endure hot temperatures than Caucasians.