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Because light travels in straight lines. (unless some form of meta-material is present in its path).

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Q: Why do shadows go in straight lines?
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What lines go straight across?

Horizontal lines:)

What is parallel line in math?

two straight lines that will never intersect. ex. ___________ _____________ the lines go straight and never met.

Is there experiments to show that light travels in straight line?

Yes shadows prove it because if light travelled in bent lines there would be no shadow.

What do shadows and their shapers tell us about how light travels?

It tells us that light only travels in straight lines and cant travel through most objects.

How is the light ray theory associated with shadows?

Light ray theory and shadows. Basically the light ray theory is the theory that light always travels in straight lines, and it is linked into shadows as when an object blocks the light rays it cannot bend round the object therefore making a shadow.

What type of lines does a triangle have?

Straight lines.

What do you draw straight lines with?

you draw straight lines with a ruler

Can you skip in straight lines in checkers?

no u have to go diagnol at all times

How many straight lines are there in a pentagon?

there are 5 straight lines

What are straight lines that never cross called?

Straight lines that never cross are called parallel lines.

Actor David Selby of dark shadows is he straight?

Not only is he straight, he also sells bees.

What are straight lines crossing over each other called?

Intersecting Lines. Two lines next to each other but go straight and never meet are called parallel lines. Perpendicular is when two lines cross right into the middle and makes 4 right angles (90 degrees). you!! :)