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Because of the formula: (n-2)*180 = total sum of interior angles where n is the number of sides of the polygon.

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Q: Why do triangles angles add up to 180 instead of 270?
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What is an angle above 180 but less than 270?

There are all the angles between 180 and 270that lie between 180 degrees and 270 degrees angles

Some triangles have three right angles?

no. The sum of the angles must be 180. 90+90+90=270. Plus, If you tried to make a triangle with 3 right angles, you would end up with an incomplete rectangle

What is a 270 -360 angle called?


Why can't the angles of a right angled triangle be the same?

As you probably know, a right angle triangle has to have a right angle (only can have one). A right angle is 90 degrees. All the triangles' angles add up to total of 180 degrees and only 180 degrees. 180- 90 is 90. If you have two right angles then that's a rectangle (a square is a rectangle). If you do 90 * 3 that equals 270 degrees. 270 is way greater than 180.

What has an angle that measures 90-180 degrees?


What numbers have a right angles?

90, 180, 270 and 360

What are the quadrant angles?

Quadrant angles are the angle lies in different quadrants. The angles which lie between 0° and 90° are said to lie in the first quadrant. The angles between 90° and 180° are in the second quadrant, angles between 180° and 270° are in the third quadrant and angles between 270° and 360° are in the fourth quadrant Quadrant angles are the angle lies in different quadrants. The angles which lie between 0° and 90° are said to lie in the first quadrant. The angles between 90° and 180° are in the second quadrant, angles between 180° and 270° are in the third quadrant and angles between 270° and 360° are in the fourth quadrant

What is the sum of four angles if two are complementary and two are supplementary?

Should be 270 degrees. Supplementary angles add up to 180 Complimentary add up to 90. 180 + 90 = 270

A baseball diamond home plate has three right angles the other angles are congruent find their measure?

As the home plate has 5 angles it is a pentagon. The angles of a pentagon sum to (5 - 2) × 180° = 3 × 180° = 540° Three angles are right angles, and their sum is 3 × 90° = 270° This leaves 540° - 270° = 270° As the remaining two angles are congruent, they are each half of this at 270° ÷ 2 = 135° The remaining angles are 135° each.

What is an angle over 270 degrees?

All angles between 180 and 360 degrees are reflex angles.

What angles are used to relate the values returned by inverse trigonometric functions to angles larger than 90 degrees?

For angles between 90 and 180 use the angle (180 - X) For angles between 180 and 270 use (X - 180) For angles between 270 and 360 use (360 - X) For angles greater than 360 subtract 360 until the angle is between 0 and 360 degrees and one of the above rules can be applied. You need to be careful with the signs of the ratios.

Definition of benchmark angles?

90 degrees 180 degrees 270 degrees 360 degrees!