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In order to produce specific results (only the desired reactions).

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Q: Why do you think it is important that enzymes have such a precise fit?
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Into which biochemical category do enzymes fit?


Why do enzymes have to fit the substrate exactly?

blood flow

Why do many people think its important to fit in?

People think it's so important to fit in because they don't feel lonely, left out, or made fun of. They also want to feel part of something.

If several enzymes fit the same substrate they would be considered what?


Which substances fit together like a lock and key?

enzymes and substrates

Why will only certain substrate molecules fit into the active site?

It will only bind with the enzymes active site of the shapes are complimentary and enzymes are very specific

Do all scooter bearings fit all scooters?

I don't think so but I could be wrong.. it depends what wheels you have. The important thing is that your wheels fit you scooter..

How the lock and key model and the induced fit model differ?

According to lock and key model both the enzymes and the substrate possess specific geometrical shapes that fit exactly into one another. WHILE According to the induced fit model enzymes are more flexible structures and their active site is reshaped as substrate interacts with the enzymes.

What is the induced fit theory?

The induced fit theory proposes that the active site of an enzyme changes its shape upon binding with the substrate. This change is induced by the interaction with the substrate, leading to a more precise fit and optimal conditions for catalysis to occur. This theory suggests that the binding of a substrate to an enzyme is a dynamic process rather than a static lock-and-key model.

How important is it for the elderly to exercise?

It's very important for the elderly to exercise regularly to maintain their physical health, improve mobility, prevent chronic diseases, and reduce the risk of falls. Exercise also helps with mental well-being, promoting cognitive function and reducing feelings of depression and anxiety. It's essential for overall quality of life as we age.

What do enzymes have to help them fit their substrate?

Enzymes are proteins that have a very specific structure. The region on the surface of an enzyme that is responsible for binding and converting the subtract into the product is called the active site.

What are the values of the physical fit?

I think physical fitness is really important. It is something that a lot of people seek, but not many find. It is really important to stay healthy and fit, and by exercising regularly and eating healthy, you get something really valuable and rare, and that is physical fitness.