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That is part of the basic rules of Math: A: Multiply a Negative and a Negative will result in a Postive. B. Multiply a Negative and a Postive will result in a Negative. BTW, unlike English grammar, rules of Math are true at all times.

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Q: Why does a negative number multiplied by a postive number equal a negative number?
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Does a negative number plus a postive number equal a negative?

In addition, it depends on which is larger. In multiplication, a negative times a positive is alway negative.

Does a negative times a postive equal a negative?


Does a negative plus a negative equal a postive?

No, a negative plus a negative is a negative

Does a negative times a negative number equal?

A negative number multiplied by a negative yields a positive answer.

Negative divided by a negative equal?

A negative divided or multiplied by a negative is always positive. Just like how in English, a double-negative is positive.

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Why does a negative number plus a negative number equal a positive number?

It does not. A negative number multiplied by a negative number equals a positive number.

What 2 number added equal negative 18 but when multiplied equal negative 17?

-18.8995 and 0.8995 (approx)

Why does the product of 3 negative numbers equal a negative number number?

Because two negative multiplied together equal a positive. So after the first multiplication we have a positive and a negative. When we multiply these we have a negative.

Why is a negative multiplied by a negative equal a positive?

The two negatives cancel out and the number becomes positive.

Is a negative multiplied by a negative equal a negative?

No, a negative multiplied by a negative is a positive, as is of course a positive multiplied by a positive. Only when a negative is multiplied by a positive is the answer negative.

What does a positive times a postive equal?

a positive a negative times a negative also equals a positive