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Because a rectangle is steted.

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Q: Why does a square have more symmetry than a rectangle?
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Why the square has more lines of symmetry than the rectangle?

They would have the same

Why does a square have more lines of symmetry than a rectangle?

The diagonals of a rectangle aren't lines of symmetry unless it's square.

Which shape has more than one line of symmetry?

Many shapes have more than one line of symmetry. These include a rectangle, equilateral triangle, and a square. While a rectangle has two lines of symmetry, an equilateral triangle has three.

What shape has more than 2 lines of symmetry?


Why does a square have more symmetry lines than a rectangle?

Because it has 4 equal sides and 2 equal perpendicular diagonals

How is a square more specific than a rectangle?

A square has all four equilateral sides, whereas a rectangle has two sets opposite sides that are congruent. A rectangle can be a square, but a square can not be a rectangle.

What shape has more than one line of symmetry?

A circle (infinitely many lines of symmetry), ellipse, rectangle, and all regular polygons.

What quadrilateral has no lines of symmetry but does have rotation symmetry?

A parallelogram, other than a rhombus or rectangle.

What shapes have more than 4 line's of symmetry?

Square, circle...

How many more equal angles does a square have than a rectangle?

The same for both. Both a square and a rectangle have 4 equal angles.

How is a square different than a rectangle?

A square is a special case of a rectangle.

What shape has more than 3 sides and has more than 2 lines of symmetry and fewer than 5 angles?

A square