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The answer is in the question... You are "adding" a negative number to another negative number hence you will get a negative number! Now if you were subtracting a negative number from a negative number, the negatives will cancel out ex:subtracting> -5-(-3)=-2 .........adding>-5+(-3)=-8

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Q: Why does adding a negative number to another negative number always gives a negative sum?
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No. Adding two negative numbers will give a number which is more negative.

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Yes, a negative number subtracted from a positive number will always be positive. Subtracting a negative number is the same as adding the opposite of the negative number. The opposite of a negative number is always positive. A positive number plus a positive number is always positive.

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The sign of the answer will always be a positive number because subtracting a negative is the same as adding a positive (

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Adding a positive and negative number, the sum will always be negative. Example: 10+-20=-10 If you add two negatives, they cancel each other out making it positive.

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A negative plus a negative still gives a negative answer.

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When it comes to numbers (this question was asked in the "Math and Arithmetic" category), adding a negative number to a positive number always equals a negative number.

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always a negative number. just think about going backwards on a number line.

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Yes, because subtrating a negative number is the same thing as adding a positive number.

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-5+-3 = -8 ++ Add -- Add +- Subtract -+ Subtract

When can the square of a negative number be negative?

This can never be. The square of any number will always be positive. Any positive number multiplied by another positive number will be positive, while any negative number multiplied by another negative number will be positive.