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Q: Why does meconium staining occur predominantly in infants greater than 36 weeks of gestational?
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What is the survival rate for prematurity or premature birth?

The survival rate for gestational period of 21 weeks or less: 0%; 22 weeks: 0-10%; 23 weeks: 10-35%; 24 weeks: 40-70%; 25 weeks: 50-80%; 26 weeks: 80-90%; 27 weeks: greater than 90%.

What were the nationalities of the convicts on the first fleet?

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What is the purpose of adding an eosin to the root hair of onoin?

Eosin is added to the root hair of onion for staining purposes in microscopy. It helps to highlight specific structures or components of the root hair cells, making them more visible under a microscope. Eosin staining can aid in studying the morphology and cellular organization of root hairs in greater detail.

Is 87 greater than or equal to 66?

It is greater!It is greater!It is greater!It is greater!

When did the British rule India and Pakistan?

The whole of the Indian Subcontinent (Modern India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Burma, Bhutan, Sri Lanka) was originally a part of greater India (Mahabharat). When the British left India many regions of greater India called for independance. The far western states of India were predominantly Muslim and feared oppression under the rule of the Hindus (Many other breakaway provinces were predominantly Buddhist & they had the same fears) therefore asked for an independent Muslim homeland in the west of India, this land of course became Pakistan. So to answer your question, the British didn't take over Pakistan (as it was only created in 1947) but rather the part of India that became Pakistan. and they took over at some point during the mid 1800s.