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Q: Why doesn't violence solve conflict?
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gang violence solves nothing..... violence in all doesnt solve anything

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What is violence conflict?

Violence conflict is a situation where at least two parties use physical force to resolve a conflict. This is usually in form of interests that they are competing for.

Is violence same as conflict?

Conflict is when a one thing does not agree with another. Violence is the harmful action that could be taken when dealing with conflict.

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post conflict situations

Why is violence not the answer to anything?

"The pen is mightier than the sword!" Violence is not always the only answer to all of your problems. In fact, violence should never be the answer to anything. What good to you get at harming someone, does it really make you happy and a better person? Violence doesn't make everything better in a blink of an eye. It just makes things severely worse. Although we have wars in which we fight for peace and a united nation, killing many humans is not something to ever be proud of. Think of what the world would be like without violence. Think of all of those that would still be alive and how happy we would all be. Overall, just don't contribute to violence because it is tearing the world apart.

How does video game violence affect behavior?

it doesnt

Is twilight a external or internal conflict and why?

A internal conflict is when Bella doesnt want to go to James but if she doesnt she will risk losing her mother and she doesnt want to put innocent people into this

Why did conflict diamonds fuel more violence?

Because the sale of conflict diamonds funds the purchase of weapons, drugs, and terrorists' tools, meant to inflict violence. It's the only use for conflict diamonds.

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How do you beat up your exboyfriend?

Violence will not solve anything. Fights will leave both parties bitter and will often lead only to further conflict and even police intervention. This is not an advisable approach to break ups.