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It could be. The French at one time tried to "metricize" time. It didn't catch on.

Ultimately, the reason for 60 seconds is that the Babylonians really liked the number 60.

60 is evenly divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, and 30. That's an awful lot of ways to divide it, which partially helps explain why the Babylonians liked it so much. They also liked 360, for about the same reason and also because it's approximately the number of days in a year, and that's why circles have 360 degrees.

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Q: Why is 1 min 60 sec cant it be 100 sec?
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main() { int sec=00,min=00,hr=00; printf("Enter time in seconds"); scanf("%d",&sec); if (sec<60) printf("%d :%d : %d",hr,min,sec); else if(sec>=60) min=int(sec/60); sec=int(sec%60); printf("%d: %d : %d",hr,min,sec); else if (sec>=3600) min=int(sec/60); sec=int(sec/60) hr=int(min/60); printf("%d : %d : %d",hr,sec,min); }

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