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He isn't. Thales is considered the founder of Geometry, not Philosophy. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are often said to be the Fathers of Western Philosophy; Confucius, Laozi, and Siddhārtha Gautama are the Fathers of Eastern Philosophy.

There is no one "Father of Philosophy."

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Q: Why is Thales the Father of Philosophy?
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Who was the Father of Greek Philosophy?

Thales of Miletus

Is often called the father of philosophy?

Though considered some of the greatest philosophers, Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates are not the Fathers of Philosophy. The "father of philosophy" is traditionally considered to be Thales (approximately 624 BCE-c. 546 BCE). Rene Descartes is considered the Father of Modern Philosophy.

What is philosophy of man according to THALES?

thales philosophies

Why is Socrates the Father of philosophy?

He is actually considered as the Father of Western Philosophy. He greatly influenced Plato and he conceptualized the Socratic method where a question will be answered by another question, which will make the original questioner think of the answer themselves to arrive at their own answer.But the father of philosophy or the one who invented philosophy is Thales and not Socrates

Who was considered to be the inventor of philosophy?

Thales of Miletus

Who is often called 'The Father of Philosophy'?

Socrates is often considered the Father of Western Philosophy; however, most group him with his successors, Plato and Aristotle, as the Father's of Western Philosophy, also known as "The Big Three." One can argue that Thales is the true Founder of Western Philosophy due to his influence on Socrates. In regards to modern philosophy, René Descartes holds that title. There is no single person who owns the title of "The Father of Philosophy," considering how much of philosophy developed largely independently in different regions (i.e., Western and Eastern philosophy).

Was Thales of Miletus father of physics?


Who is known as father of science?

it was the thales.

Who are the Pre-Socratic Triumvirate in Greek philosophy?

Thales, Heraclitus and Democritus were the Pre-Socratic triumvirate in Greek philosophy. And there were also Anaximander, Anaximenes, Anaxagoras, Empedocles and Leucippus. They all, from Thales to Leucippus, really were scientists.

Father of science in ancient Greece?

Thales of Miletus.

Where and when philosophy are made?

Western philosophy started about 600 B.C. in the city of Miletus in Ionia (where Turkey is today). Thales is traditionally called the first philosopher.

What was Thales know for?

Thales of Miletus was a Greek philosopher prior to the time of Socrates. He is noted as the first philosopher of the Greek tradition. Thales believed that the originating principle of nature was a single material substance: water. According to Bertrand Russell â??Western Philosophy begins with Thales.â??