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There were some things that used to be measured in sixteenths of an inch - a sixteenth being a half of a half of a half of a half.

You can get precision rulers with inches divided into 32 equal parts. Most rulers give tenths.

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Q: Why is an inch divided in 16 equal parts?
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Are there sixteen parts in an inch in the metric system?

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where is 1.18 inches on a ruler?

1.18 inches on a ruler would be located between the 1 inch and 2 inch markings on the ruler. It would be slightly closer to the 1 inch mark than the 2 inch mark. Keep in mind that most rulers are divided into 16 equal parts per inch, with each tick mark representing 1/16 of an inch. So, on a standard ruler, the 1.18 inches mark would be located slightly beyond the 18/16 (1.125) mark and slightly before the 19/16 (1.1875) mark.

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