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Q: Why is it important to have a common denominator when adding and subtracting rational expressions?
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How is doing operations with rational expressions similar or different from doing equations with fractions and how can they be used in real life?

How is doing operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing) with rational expressions similar to or different from doing operations with fractions?If you know how to do arithmetic with rational numbers you will understand the arithmetic with rational functions! Doing operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing) is very similar. When you areadding or subtracting they both require a common denominator. When multiplying or dividing it works the same for instance reducing by factoring. Operations on rational expressions is similar to doing operations on fractions. You have to come up with a common denominator in order to add or subtract. To multiply the numerators and denominators separated. In division you flip the second fraction and multiply. The difference is that rational expressions can have variable letters and powers in them.

What do you subtract when you have two rational expressions that have a common denominator?

When subtracting you have to make sure that the second numerator is multiplied by -1 so the equation turns into adding. When you add and you already have a common denominator you add the numerators and leave the denominator the same.

What is a nonpermissable replacement in rational expressions?

Replacing the variable in the denominator by a root of the denominator.

What is true about both the numerator and denominator of rational expressions?

Both the numerator and denominator are polynomials

In order to subtract two rational expressions by simply subtracting their numerators you must make sure that their?

In order to subtract two rational expressions by simply subtracting their numerators you must make sure that their denominators are equal.

How would you find the LCD when adding or subtracting rational expressions with different denominators?


What do you need to be careful of when subtracting rational expressions?

see the signs if is negative or possitive

Why​ can't the denominators of rational expressions be​ zero How can we find the domain of a rational​ function?

Rational expressions are fractions and are therefore undefined if the denominator is​ zero; the domain of a rational function is all real numbers except those that make the denominator of the related rational expression equal to 0. If a denominator contains​ variables, set it equal to zero and solve.

What operations of rational expressions require a common denominator?

addition and subtraction, you dummy

To add two rational expressions that have the same denominator you simply add the?

You add the numerators and put over the denominator.