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because when you add numbers if you move them around then the quantaty of the numbers is still the same making it add up to the same number

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Q: Why is order in which numbers are added does not change the result?
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What is Result of an addition?

The result is called the sum of the two numbers. The operation of addition is commutative. This means that the addition of two numbers will give the same sum regardless of the order in which the numbers are added.

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It will change into a gas.Adding heat to or removing heat from a system may result in a temperature change and possibly a change of state. A liquid substance needs heat added to it in order to enter a gaseous state. If enough heat is added to a liquid substance it will change into a gas.

What is a property that states the order in which numbers are added or multiplied does not change the sum or product?

Either:The commutative property (or law):number_1 x number_2 = number_2 x number_1orThe associative property (or law):number_1 x (number_2 x number_3) = (number_1 x number_2) x number_3.Both describe your question, but with a difference in the interpretation of "...the order in which the numbers are...":The commutative property says the numbers can be swapped over (the order reversed) and the result is the same.The associative property says the first two numbers can be operated on first, then the result of that with the third; or the order changed so that the second and third are operated on first and then the result of that with the first.

Does the commutative property state that numbers can be added or subtracted in any order?

The commutative property basically states that numbers can be added or subtracted in any order.

What is an example of commutative property?

commutative property is the order in which numbers are added does not change the sum.EX: 21+36+17=36+17+21 as you can see you can line up the numbers in any order and you can still get the same answer

What property states that changing the order when adding numbers does not affect the result?

It is the Commutative Property which states that changing the order when adding numbers does not affect the result.

When the order of numbers being added is changed the sum?

remains the same

What is the community property?

Idk do u know dat is y i asked r u a n**********

Two numbers can be added or multiplied in any order?

In ordinary maths, yes.

Is 2 x 3 x 4 equals 2 x 4 x 3 a example of the commutative property?

Yes.The commutative property states that if you change the order of numbers that you are multiplying (or adding) together, it won't affect the end result. In this example, the order of the numbers is changed.

What is a resultant variable?

A resulting variable is the variable in the experiment that you don't change. As when the manipulating variable is the variable that you do change.

What is a example commutative property of multiplication?

Whether you multiply 6 times 8, or 8 times 6, you will get the same answer in either case (which is 48). The order in which the numbers are presented does not change the result.