

Why is the dot product scalar?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Because only the magnitudes are multiplied.

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Q: Why is the dot product scalar?
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What is dot product?

In vector calculus a dot product of two vectors is basically the product of the length of one vector and the length of the parallel component of the other; It doesn't matter which one is taken first because length is a scalar and scalars are commutative. the easiest way to determine the dot product of u and v(u•v) is to simply multiply the length of each vector together and then multiply by the cosine of the angle between them (|uv|cosӨ, because length is a scalar, the product is always a scalar). You could also identify the the component of v that is parallel to u and and multiply their lengths but it's basically the same thing (|v|cosӨ|u|).

What are the properties of a dot product?

In mathematics, the dot product is an algebraic operation that takes two equal-length sequences of numbers (usually vectors) and returns a single number obtained by multiplying corresponding entries and adding up those products. The name is derived from the interpunct "●" that is often used to designate this operation; the alternative name scalar product emphasizes the scalar result, rather than a vector result.The principal use of this product is the inner product in a Euclidean vector space: when two vectors are expressed in an Orthonormal basis, the dot product of their coordinate vectors gives their inner product. For this geometric interpretation, scalars must be taken to be Real. The dot product can be defined in a more general field, for instance the complex number field, but many properties would be different. In three dimensional space, the dot product contrasts with the cross product, which produces a vector as result.

What is the used of dot product and cross product in real life?

The dot-product and cross-product are used in high order physics and math when dealing with matrices or, for example, the properties of an electron (spin, orbit, etc.).

How does the magnitude of a vector relate to the dot product?

The magnitude of dot product of two vectors is equal to the product of first vector to the component of second vector in the direction of first. for ex.- A.B=ABcos@

Difference between orthogonal and perpendicular lines?

Orthogonal and perpendicular are essentially the same thing: When two lines, planes, etc. intersect at a right angle, or 90 degrees, they are orthogonal/perpendicular.Orthogonal is simply a term used more commonly for vectors, when they have a scalar/inner/dot product of 0, as:vector u X vector v = (length of vector u) X (length of vector v) X cos @ ,@ being the angle between the two vectors.When the scalar product is 0, that is because @ is 90 degrees, and cos 90 = 0. Therefore, the vectors u and v are orthogonal.

Related questions

Scalar or dot product?

They are the same.

What is vector dot product?

The dot-product of two vectors is the product of their magnitudes multiplied by the cosine of the angle between them. The dot-product is a scalar quantity.

Is triple dot product defined?

If by "triple dot product" you mean u·v·w, then no, because that would imply the existence of a dot product between a vector and a scalar.

What is the difference between finding the dot product and using scalar multiplication?

They give us different results. The dot product produces a number, while the scalar multiplication produces a vector.

Why work done is a dot product?

As we know work done is a scalar. Also the work done is referred to as the product of force and displacement. so, we consider the dot product of force and displacement which would result in a scalar.

Is there any direction associated with the dot product of two vectors?

No. The dot product is also called the scalar product and therein lies the clue.

Why dot product of two vectors is scalar?

That's the way it is defined.

What is the product of two vector quantities?

It depends on the type of product used. A dot or scalar product of two vectors will result in a scalar. A cross or vector product of two vectors will result in a vector.

What is the use of dot product in Physics and explain?

Dot Products in Physics denote scalar results fmo vector products, e.g Work = F.D = FDCos(FD) a scalar result from the dot product of two vectors, F Force and D Displacement.

Is it possible to multiply a vector quantity to a scalar quantity?

The product of scalar and vector quantity is scalar.

How product 2 vectorsscalar?

Your question makes no sense I'm afraid. However the vector product that produces a scalar is the 'dot product'

in what components dot and cross product resolve?

A dot product is a scalar product so it is a single number with only one component. A cross product or vector product is a vector which has three components like the original vectors.