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It is an arbitrary convention.

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Q: Why is the letter m used to stand for slope like how y equals mx plus b?
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How do you sketch this function y equals absolute value of 3x?

The graph of that function looks like a big letter ' V '. The point of the 'V' is at the origin,the left half has slope = -3, and the right half has slope = 3.

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First you need to solve for y like this: 6x+3y=8 3y=-6x+8 y=-2x+8/3 Once you have the equation solved for y, the coefficient of x equals the slope: slope = -2

Are variables expressed as many different things in Algebra?

Sometimes... some variables can only stand for one thing, like m= slope, but "x" is a variable that can stand for just about anything; slope, axis, and equations.

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What is y equals 5x plus 6?

It is slope intercept form. The equation for slope intercept form is y=mx+b which is like your equation y=5x+6

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How do you write y equals 4x in slope intercept form?

That's a lot like asking us "What color is an orange ?"y = 4x is already in slope-intercept form.The slope is 4, and the intercept is zero. (That's why the intercept isn't there.)

What will the graph of y equals b look like for any real number b?

A straight horizontal line with no slope

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What is the slope of the line that is parallel to the line whose equations is y-5x equals 10?

a like that is parallel to the line y - 5x = 10 will have the same slope as y - 5x = 10. the slope of a line is determined by the standard form of a linear equation y = mx + b where m is the slope. we need to get our equation to look like the standard form. y - 5x = 10 y = 10 + 5x (adding 5x to both sides) comparing this to our standard form y = mx + b the number in front of the x is our slope. in this particular equation m = 5 the slope of a like parallel to this line will be the same, a slope of 5

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3x+4y = 8 4y = -3x+8 y = -3/4x+2 in slope intercrpt form It has a negative slope so the straight line goes 'downhill'

What does the greek letter tt stand for?

I guess you mean Π.. It's a letter, pronounced the like the English "P"