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Pi is an irrational number, can not be represented as a fraction or repeating or terminating decimal, therefore to write it as a number it must be rounded off or estimated.

Many formulas can cancel or reduce out the value for pi and make for short work of the number.

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Q: Why is the pi symbol used instead of the numbers?
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Related questions

When was the symbol for Pi first used for Pi?

The first time the symbol Pi was first used for Pi was in ancient Greece in their numbers. The symbol "π" was number 80 in Greece.

Who used the pi symbol first?

Pythagoras was the 1st person who used the pi symbol first

Who first used the symbol of pi?

William Jones first used the pi symbol (π) in 1706

What does the pi symbol stand for?

it is a number 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288... it's just a lot of numbers after that

What is the definition for in terms of pi?

in terms of pi- when using the symbol for pi instead of 3.14 or 22/7 in the end result of an equation

Which Swiss Mathematician instituted the use of the symbol pi?

Leonhard Euler used the symbol pi in 1737.

Who came up with the pi symbol?

William Jones, a Welsh mathematician, first used the pi symbol in 1706.

Who first used the pi symbol and when?

The pi symbol was introduced in 1706 by William Jones. The usage of the symbol was popularized by Leonhard Euler. He adopted it in 1737.

Why is the mathematical symbol of pi called pi?

The symbol for pi is the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet. Many Greek letters are used in mathematics for various functions.

Which mathematicians first used the symbol pi?


Which mathematicans first used the symbol Pi and why?


In what year did the English start using the symbol of pie for pie?

Pi as a symbol was first used by the English mathematician William Jones. In 1706 he wrote that 3.14159=Euler, in 1737, used this symbol and it became the worlds standard symbol for pi after that.