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A "fact" is basically anything you can state, especially if such a statement is true. Since you can say "light has a speed", and since that is true, it follows that it's a fact.

Light through a "vacuum" is the meaning of "the speed of light." Light through glass is slower.

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Q: Why is the speed of light a fact?
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The fastest speed possible for anything is the speed of light fact or opinion?

That statement is neither fact nor opinion.The fact is that no 'thing' can travel at the speed of light, so the fastestspeed possible for any 'thing' is less than the speed of light.That's the fact.

Why light is refracted as it moves from air into glass?

That's related to the fact that the speed of light in glass is slower than the speed of light in air.

Is the speed of light a fact?

The speed of light is 299,792 458 meters per second in vacuum. You can bet on it, take it to the bank, and hang your hat on it.

The speed of light depends on?

... the electrostatic permittivity and the magnetic permeability of the medium. As a matter of fact, the speed of light in the medium is the reciprocal of the square root of their product.

What does the phrase the speed of light mee?

It means the speed at which light moves. While it may seem that light advances instantaneously, in fact it does not - it moves at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second. That's the speed in a vacuum; in other substances, it moves slower. For example, in glass or water it moves at about 2/3 of the speed it has in a vacuum.

What is the average light speed when light beam emerges from water into air?

The speed of light in air is approx 299,700,000 metres per second. This is not very different from its maximum speed which is its speed in vacuum: 299,792,458 metres per second. The fact that the beam emerges from water is irrelevant.

How does light the fastest?

Things that have mass require energy to go fast. Anything that has mass requires an infinite amount of energy in order to go the speed of light. Light has no mass, so it can go the speed of light with no problem. In fact, it always goes the speed of light, unless it's going through a material other than a vacuum.

Why can the speed of sound not be broken?

It is not true that the speed of sound cannot be broken. In fact almost all fighter jet planes fly faster than the speed of sound.Its the speed of LIGHT that cannot be broken.

Is it the speed of light or light speed?

Is what the speed of light or light speed.ANSWER300,000 km/s

What is the speed of gravity?

C To expound, gravity and light travel at the same speed. * It is a fundamental fact of nature that nothing can travel faster than light, but matter slows light while gravity is not slowed or screened by anything. So light and gravity only travel at the same speed in the vacuum of space away from any mass.

Does transverse mechanical waves travel at less than the speed of light?

Yes, they do. Uh huh. That's a fact.

Can a light year ship be invented?

Do you mean a light SPEED ship? Ignoring the possiblity of "warp" technology, which, though potentially faster than light, does not really address the problem of achieving light speed, but circumvents it: As speed increases, so does mass. The increase in mass is imperceptible at the speeds you and I commonly travel, and even at the enormous speeds (but still nowhere near light-speed) achieved by the space shuttle. However, at speeds near light speed, mass increases assymptotically. At light speed, mass is, in fact, infinite. If a ship was attempting to attain light speed, its mass would increase more and more with each additional unit of speed. As it gets closer to light speed, the mass would be so great that no amount of thrust would be able to get it TO light-speed. The mathematical proof of this is somewhat more complicated, but take my word for it - it's impossible.