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More water on TOP of you.

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Q: Why is there more pressure at the bottom of the pool than at the top?
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Why is pressure greater at the bottom of the pool rather than the top of the pool?

more water is on top of it putting more weight on the water at the bottom

Why are dams built stronger and broader at the bottom?

Because water pressure is more intense at depth than it is near the surface - hence the dam has to be stronger at the bottom - it withstands more pressure at the bottom.

Why dams must be constructed so that they are much thicker at the bottom than the top?

Because the water pressure at the bottom of the dam is much more than the top.

Why does the bottom of a airplanes wing have high air pressure?

Because the air moving above the wing is of lower pressure than the bottom. This pressure differential is what creates lift. Check out Bernoulli's Principle for more information.

What does but i had already swun ahead and guessed some loss much larger than i understood more danger than the deep end of the pool reveal?

If you were in a pool and swam ahead of everyone else, there could be more danger if you couldn't touch the bottom of the pool and became tired. People do not necessarily have to be in the deep end of the pool to drown.

How much water will evaporate out of a pool on a sunny day that is 18 by 36 ft?

More than zero but less than or equal to the volume of the pool. There is insufficient information to give a more precise answer. Air and water temperatures matter, as does humidity, wind speed, color of the bottom of the pool, etc.

Why is atmospheric pressure less at the top of the highest mountain than at the foot of the same mountain?

For the same reason that water pressure is less three feet below the surface than it is 30 feet below the surface. On the ground (on earth) we are at "the bottom of the pool" - the air is heaviest there.

Why are dams made thinner at the bottom?

This is because the pressure in a liquid increases with depth. This means that the pressure at the bottom of the dam is more. Hence it is more liable to break out from the dam as more pressure is exerted on the walls. So, the walls are thicker at the bottom.

Why is the base of a dam thinner then the wall?

The pressure against the dam wall increases at the lower levels than nearer the surface. So I expect the foot of the dam wall to be thicker at the bottom than at the top.

How do you know when you need new sand in a Hayward filter for an inground pool?

Depending on the size of the pool and the size of the filter and the amount of times you have to backwash, also if you have had a lot of rain then you may need to backwash more than usual. If you put the pool in and the filter and you know how old the sand is, if you are backwashing more than usual,change the sand. Also before you backwash check the pressure of the water going back into the pool, then backwash check the pressure again the pressure should for any size hayward pump push your hand away if it does not then change your sand.

Why will water at the bottom of a geyser not boil when it as at 100?

Water only boils at 100 degrees ( in C ) when the pressure on it is standard atmospheric pressure. In Denver, it boils at a lower temperature, and in a pressure cooker, it can get a lot hotter than that and still not boil. At the bottom of a geyser, the pressure is more than atmospheric pressure because of all the water laying on top of the lowest layer, so it can go higher than 100 without boiling.

Where is the pressure greater 10M or 20M below the surface of the sea?

Because water is denser than air.