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Internally, computers work in binary, but presenting those in hexadecimal makes for more compact numbers (one hex digit for every four binary digits), and is therefore easier to read.

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What does hex mean in numbers?


What does one use a hex converter for?

A hex converter is used to convert hexadecimal numbers to binary or decimal numbers, which is necessary for programming or studying computer science. Hex converters are usually online tools that will automatically convert the numbers for you quickly and easily.

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What are the hex numbers for 18?

1810 = 1216

What is 1000100.11010010.01000011.10110011 to hexidecimal?

assuming that the full stops break up the binary numbers: Binary 1000100 = Hex 44 Binary 11010010 = Hex D2 Binary 1000011 = Hex 43 Binary 10110011 = Hex B3

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Personally I prefer shadow punch but, if an opponent Pokemon has a status condition poison, paralysis, sleep etc. hex does double damage!

How do you use the hex code Pokemon pearl?

pokesav is not a hex program nor a hacking program its a simple ar code gen bepends want you need to hex for me i hex characters using poketex

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What is the equivalent hexadecimal number for 13?

13 = D in hex. If you're using two digits to represent the hex number - its 0D

Visual basic code for hexadecimal number addition?

Assuming you've a couple of textboxes for two hex numbers and a label for results, the following will add two hex numbers and display the result in hex. Dim a, b, c As Integer a = Convert.ToInt32(TextBox1.Text, 16) b = Convert.ToInt32(TextBox2.Text, 16) c = a + b Label1.Text = Hex(c)

2 plus 14 in Hexadecimal numbers is equal to?

if the 14 is decimal then 2+14 = 16 which is 10 in hex if the 14 is in hex then 2+14 = 16

What is the binary equivalent of the decimal number 368?

The binary equivalent is 101110000. If you're using Windows 7, the built-in calculator will convert numbers between base 10, 8, 2 & hex