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Many ancient cultures had not invented fractions in their number system. The number 60 was chosen because it have many factors.

We use relics of it today when reading the time. 60 seconds to a minute, 60 minutes to an hour.

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Q: Why would a system of measurement using 60 instead of base 10 have been used in ancient systems of measurement?
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Why would a system of measurement using base 60 instead of base 10 have been used in ancient systems of measurement?

Many ancient cultures had not invented fractions in their number system. The number 60 was chosen because it have many factors. We use relics of it today when reading the time. 60 seconds to a minute, 60 minutes to an hour.

What are the standard systems of measurement?

The English system and the metric system.

What is ancient measurement system?

The ancient measurement system of which applied to early greeks, romans, egyptians, arabs, and parts of Gaul and Spain; Is Shinto.

What was the problem with ancient measurement systems?

The primary problem with ancient measurement systems was that there were a lot of different ones. No countries or nations as we know them today existed in ancient times, but there were numerous geographic areas that were generally under one rule, and most, if not all, of these areas had their own measurement system. Imagine the lack of communication that existed at that time, and even if one group of peoples did communicate with another group, imagine the timeliness of the communication compounded by the lack of a common language.

What measurement systems uses a base 10 system?

The SI

What are the 2 standard system of measurement?

Imperial and Metric Systems.

What is the system of measurement based on multiples of 10?

The metric systems.

A name of a ancient measuring system?

seah are in the bible for measurement

What are the two system of measurement and how do they differ In TLE subject?

The two systems of measurement include the English system which is based on the foot measurements, and the Metric system based on the Meter as the unit of reference.

How is metric measurement different than customary measurement?

They are both systems of measurement except that the metric system is simpler and used by the majority of the world.

What are the 2 system of measurement?

two units of measurements are MKS and CGS systems

What is the SI and Metric systems?

SI: The measurement system that is accepted world wide.