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The effect is called Condensation

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Q: Why would droplets of water form on the outside of the glass?
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Why do you see droplets on leaves?

Mostly they would be water droplets which may be because of rainfall, morning dew (condensation) or irrigation.

What would happen if the atmosphere could no longer hold water vapor?

It would rain If the atmosphere could no longer hold any water at all it would mean the end of life outside of the oceans.

Who invented water thermometers in 1593?

The first water thermometer was created during the 16th century. In the year 1593, Galileo Galilei did the existing thermoscope one step better and created a basic water thermometer. This newer version was the first type of thermometer to allow variations in temperature. Galileo found that, if he used liquid that was less dense than water, he could suspend those liquids in a vial of water, which would rise as the temperature increased. Galileo was able to take the information he discovered and develop a model of a thermoscope that used fine droplets of alcohol. These droplets maintained their cohesion in the water and would rise to the top as the temperature of the water slowly increased. There are those that believe the use of alcohol by Galileo later inspired the use of mercury.

How do people take a shower in space?

" cylindrical shower stall and close the door. They then get themselves wet and wash up just like you would on Earth. However, due to weightlessness, the water droplets and soap don't flow downwards into a drain, they float about."

Are rainbows a full circle?

The would be if the ground didn't get in the way. If you're on a mountain or high ground looking into a valley, or looking down from an airplane, and the sun is high behind you and the air below you is full of water droplets, then you can see the full circle of the rainbow.

Related questions

Would droplets of water form on the outside of a glass cup?


Why there is water droplets forming on mirror when blown?

The hot heat from the hot water turns evaporates. Once it reaches or touches a cool surface (mirror), the heat would condense and turn into water droplets. Therefore, water droplets are found in the mirror when you bath.

Why would droplets of water form on the outside of a cup?


Why do droplets of water form on the outside of a glass cup?

this is called condensation in the water cycle it forms water droplet because when the liquid turns into gas the particles move and when they spread apart and float away some get stuck on the sides of the glass cup. Then with enough of the gas particles come together turning it into droplets and goes back into water to do it all over again.

Why would drophlets of water form on the outside of a glass cup?

Assuming the glass cup held a cold liquid, the air closest to the cup will be colder than the surrounding air, causing water vapour in the air to condense into liquid water droplets.

How many droplets of water in a seven block fog and would this fill a glass half full?


What happens when you throw hot water outside when it is cold?

When I grew up in Fairbanks, Alaska, we would go outside when it was below -60 degrees Fahrenheit, and toss a glass of hot water into the air. If cold enough, the water droplets would crystallize in the air before hitting the snow. If not quite cold enough, water would hit the ground, and freeze in seconds.

What would happen if all the items in the room were at dew point temperature?

Water would condense on those items. This is what is happening when you have a glass of ice water, and water collects on the outside of the glass.

Why are droplets of water that form on a cold glass a physical change?

The formation of water droplets on a cold glass are a physical change because it's nothing more than condensation. The water that is in the air is a gas, and it has undergone a change of state to become a liquid (the droplets). If the water and the glass fused and made another element that could not be made back into either of its two original forms, then it would be a chemical change.

Why does condensation form on a glass of iced tea?

Take a glass of cold water into a warm room, and the moisture in the warm room will condense on to the outside surface of the cold glass. Therefore, the water droplets form due to condensation.

If ice forms on the forms on the outside of the glass?

If ice forms on the outside of the glass cup the temperature of the glass would be 25 degrees Fahrenheit. This is due to the fact that water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

Would condensation form on the outside of a beaker full of hot water why or why not?

No. The glass of the beaker, since it is hot, not cold, would not cause the ambient moisture to coalesce on the glass