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Q: Why would retain earning be reduced?
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Why retain earning and reserve are same?

Retain earnings and reserves are same because both of them are part of net income but the purpose of these accounts are different.

Can you get incapacity benefit and reduced earnings allowance together?

No. you have no capacity to perform. Reduced earning allowance was inplaced if you were able to perform. your out of luck. STATED BY AUTHOR

Past tense of retain?

The past tense of "retain" would be "retained".

How company may use retain earning?

Could you resubmit the question. The way it is written is confusing. Please be specific in you wording. This way you get a clear and accurate answer.

What is the opposite of retain?

The opposite of retain (keep) could be lose or dispose of. The opposite of retain (hold) would be release, free, loosen, or unsecure.

If noncustodial father pays child support and the mother starts earning can child support be reduced?

Yes. It's a valid reason for asking for a reduction.

What could you heat water in that would retain the heat the longest?

A vacuum would retain the heat best, hence a thermos flask has a vacuum around it =-)

What would happen to a cell if the number of ribosomes was reduced?

Its capability and capacity to manufacture proteins would be reduced.

Is retain earning account is equal to profit or loss?

Profits and losses are determined via the income statement. When you close out the books for the year that profit or loss gets closed and becomes part of the retained earnings. A loss would decrease retained earning and a profit would increase it. Loosely put, the retained earnings account is a cummulation of all the profits and losses over the years (not counting any other things that affect the bottom line like dividends paid out and such)

Total Gross Earning in the Break Period?

Your employer payroll department would be the only one that would have this information available about any total Gross Earning in your Break Period.

Does an employee have to be paid wages while on workers compensation leave?

Yes, however it is a reduced amount of your weekly earning. in California it is 2/3 the amount you would normally recieve on your pay check. the amount is also non taxable.

What would happen if the temperature of liquids was reduced in motion of the molecules?

As the temperature is reduced, the motion of the molecules is also reduced.