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Q: Why you use cos in scalar product?
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Why in dot product you use cos and in vector product sin?

We use the dot product cos and in vector we use the vector product sin because of the trigonometric triangle.

What is the product of vector and scalar?

The scalar product of two perpendicular vectors is zero.In classical mechanics we define the scalar product between two vector a and b as:a · b = |a| |b| cos(alpha)where |a| is the modulus of vector a and alpha is the angle between vectors a and b.If two vectors are perpendicular, alpha equals 90º (or PI/2 rad) and cosine of alpha is, consequently, zero.So finally a · b = 0.

Why you only use cosine for scalar product?

That is how the scalar product is defined. Also, the projection of one vector onto another at an angle to it is directly proportional to the cosine of that angle.

What is scalar and vector product?

The scalar product of two vectors, A and B, is a number, which is a * b * cos(alpha), where a = |A|; b = |B|; and alpha = the angle between A and B. The vector product of two vectors, A and B, is a vector, which is a * b * sin(alpha) *C, where C is unit vector orthogonal to both A and B and follows the right-hand rule (see the related link). ============================ The scalar AND vector product are the result of the multiplication of two vectors: AB = -A.B + AxB = -|AB|cos(AB) + |AB|sin(AB)UC where UC is the unit vector perpendicular to both A and B.

Why the work is scalar quantity?

Work is the product of a force and a displacement. Both of those are vectors. There are two ways to multiply vectors. One of them produces another vector, the other produces a scalar. The calculation for 'work' uses the scalar product. The procedure is: (magnitude of one vector) times (magnitude of the other vector) times (cosine of the angle between them).

Why scalar product are commutative?

i think that scalar product are commutative because the vectors are in the same direction

Why we use sine angle in cross product while cos angle in dot product?

Because in dot product we take projection fashion and that is why we used cos and similar in cross product we used sin

Is it possible to multiply a vector quantity to a scalar quantity?

The product of scalar and vector quantity is scalar.

Scalar or dot product?

They are the same.

What is the product of two vector quantities?

It depends on the type of product used. A dot or scalar product of two vectors will result in a scalar. A cross or vector product of two vectors will result in a vector.

Can a scalar product be a negative quantity?

No,because scalar quantities have no direction. So they cant be negative

Is the following scalar product correct Answer yes or no?
