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Since kilograms are the unit we use to measure mass, the answer is no: both have 1kg. of mass. :D

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Q: Would a kilogram of a feather have more mass than a kilogram of iron?
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What is the weight of 1 kilogram of iron on earth compared to 1 kilogram of iron on the moon?

On the moon, because of the mass difference between the moon and the Earth, it would weigh 1/6th of kilogram.

Which is heavier 1kg iron or 1kg wool?

Not sure if this is a serious question but...A kilogram is a unit of mass, or in this case, weight.A kilogram is a kilogram.One kilogram of anything is a kilogram.1 kg of iron = 1 kg of wool.

What would have the larger mass a kilogram of lead or a kilogram of feathers?

A kilogram is a measure of mass therefore a kilogram of lead and a kilogram of feathers have the same mass: one kilogram. They would, however, have different volumes and densities.

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Because they have the same mass, the same force would be required to lift both 1kg of steel and 1kg of feathers. The "ease" of lifting the two masses would be equal.

Why feather samples weigh more than iron samples?

Because physical properties have a lot more resistance than chemical properties. Thickness is a physical property because it doesn't have reactivity. If I took a shoe and threw it at my friend, he would grow a bump on his head. That would be a physical property. The same thing applies here. A Feather is a chemical substance, and Iron is a physical substance. A Feather is more dense, and has less mass. Iron is less dense, and has more mass. The answer is simple: Different subsctances have different melting points and boiling points, therefore feather samples weigh more than iron samples.

Would a watermelon be considered a kilogram?

A kilogram is a unit of mass. If a watermelon is that big, then it is a kilogram.

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Half a kilogram is the mass in this case.Half a kilogram is the mass in this case.Half a kilogram is the mass in this case.Half a kilogram is the mass in this case.

Would you measure the mass of a hamster in kilogram?


What would have more mass a kilogram of feathers or a kilogram of gold?

the gold would have more mass unless there is no gravity like on the moon then they would both fall at the same time.

WHAT DO YOU use to measure the mass of a feather?

What unit of measurement would be used to measure the mass of a feather

What unit is used to measure the mass of a feather?

grams because a feather would not be measured in kilograms

What SI unit would you use for mass measurement?

The kilogram is the SI unit for mass