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A tree is measured in meters, except for very young tree measured in centimeters.

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Q: Would a tree be best measured in kilometer meter centimeter or millimeter?
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How would these lengths be arranged from shortest to longest inch yard foot meter cenitimeter and kilometer?

(millimeter --) Centimeter -- inch -- foot -- yard -- meter -- (furlong -- ) kilometer ( -- mile )

Which measure is shorter centimeter or the millimeter?

The millimeter. It is 10 times smaller than a centimeter.

What would 5 Millimeter be if it was changed into one centimeter?

If it were changed into 1 centimeter it would be 1 centimeter.

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The longest of these measurements is 5 kilometres.

An example of a distance that would be in kilometers?

1 kilometer = 1,000 meters In other units: Exact: -- 100,000 centimeter -- 1,000,000 millimeter -- 1,000,000,000,000 nanometer Rounded: -- 0.62137 mile -- 4.971 furlong -- 3,280.84 foot -- 546.81 fathom -- 587.61 Smoot -- 39,370 inch

What do you use to measure the length of a playground a millimeter a centimeter a meter or a kilometer?

it depends on about how big it is but i would guess meters or centimeters

How many kilometers does one millimeter represent?

There are one million millimeters in a kilometer, so a millimeter would represent one millionth of a kilometer.

Would the length of a room best be measured in centimeter meter or kilometer?

Any of those may be used, but "meter" will result in the most convenient number.

How do you draw a route to scale?

To draw a route to scale, you need to establish a scale that represents the actual distance on the map. For example, 1 inch on the map may represent 1 mile in real life. Then, measure the actual distance of the route you want to draw and use the scale to translate that distance onto your map accurately. You can use a ruler or distance measuring tools to ensure precision.

Is feet a metric unit?

No, a foot is not a metric measurement. Metric measurements of length would include millimeter, centimeter, meter, and kilometer.

Is a millimeter smaller than a kilometer?

A millimeter is very, very,tiny. It is smaller than a centimeter Then you have the kilometer's, they are way bigger, that would be a unit of measurement that you would use to find the distance between Thunder Bay and Terrace Bay.So, no, a kilometer is not smaller than a millimeter. Millimeter ( mm ) means one-thousandth of a metre ( there are one thousand of them in ONE metre ). Kilometre ( km ) means that there are one thousand metres in one km or " klick ". Therefore, a klick is 1,000 x 1,000 or ONE MILLION mms long.