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rubber ball

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Q: Would a wooden ball bounce higher or a rubber ball bounce higher if dropped from the same height?
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What will bounce higher then a rubber ball?

A glass ball will bounce higher than a rubber one.

Does the size of a ball affect its bounce?

Yes if the ball is bigger it weighs more and the more weight the ball has the higher it will bounce but the height its dropped from also has to do with the how high it bounces Yes if the ball is bigger it weighs more and the more weight the ball has the higher it will bounce but the height its dropped from also has to do with the how high it bounces

If A rubber ball is dropped on the floor what force causes it to bounce?

kinetic and potential energy.

What ball bounces higher a basketball or rubber ball?

It would depend on what you bounce them on and what material the bouncy ball is made of. Most surfaces and materials would mean the bouncy ball goes higher, but a few could result in the golf ball being better.

How high do bouncy balls bounce?

the ball bounce high cause of the air in the ball If there is more air pressure in the ball it will bounce higher likewise if there is less air pressure it will bounce lower. This could be done by exposing the ball in different temperatures. If the ball gets hotter it will bounce higher and if gets colder it will bounce lower.

Why do rubber balls bounce?

Explanation: When all three balls are dropped from the same height, the rubber ball will bounce the highest because it has the greatest elasticity. When the rubber ball hits the ground it gets compressed, or squished, and because it is very elastic, it quickly returns to its original shape.

Why do small rubber bouncy balls bounce higher than other balls?

because they are made to bounce

Why do glass balls bounce higher than rubber balls?

They don't.

Why does rubber bounce higher than plastic?

The simple answer to this is that the rubber ball is more 'elastic' than the tennis ball and, assuming they are both dropped from the same height onto the same surface, the tennis ball 'loses' more energy than the rubber ball when it strikes the surface the ball is bouncing off. Of course no energy is truly ever lost but rather it is transferred or converted into other forms, in this case the energy will be converted into thermal energy (as the balls deform upon striking the surface due to friction within the materials), sound (the noise you hear when the ball strikes the surface) and to varying extents energy is transferred to the surface which the balls are striking. This energy 'loss' is the reason why the balls do not return to the height the balls were dropped from originally and the amount of energy 'loss' will vary with the type of ball dropped.

Will a ball of glass Bounce higer then a ball of Rubber?

it is scientifically proven that a ball of glass bounces higher than a ball of rubber. No cause the glass would break if you drop it to high and the rubber one would not ! It depends on wether or not your counting the height the shards fly up.

A rubber ball has the property that on any bounce it returns to one third of the height from which it just fell Suppose the ball is dropped from 114 m how far has the ball traveled the fourth t?

the fourth hit will be approx 1.4 metres

How does the drop height of a ball affect the height of its bounce?

The higher the height at which the ball is dropped from, the higher the ball bounces. Look at it in terms of energy. Initially, before the ball is dropped, the ball's potential energy, E is given by E = mgh, where m is the mass of the ball, g is the gravitational acceleration and h is the height of the ball. When the ball is dropped, the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy, and at the point of impact, , i.e. when the ball is level with the ground, and h = 0, the kinetic energy is E, given by E = 0.5mv2, where v is the velocity of the ball. The ball hits the ground, and rises again - its kinetic energy is being converted back to potential energy. The ground absorbs some of the energy upon impact, but most of the energy stays with the ball. So the kinetic energy is converted to potential energy, and once all of the kinetic energy is converted, the ball reaches its maximum height. Clearly, a higher kinetic energy corresponds to a higher bounce height. 0.5mv2 = mgh The amount of energy that the ground absorbs does not change much with the height of the ball as well.As the drop-height increases, the bounce-height too will increase, but not always in direct proportion. The efficiency will decrease as the drop height is increased.