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Suppose there are R rectangles and T trapezoids.

Then R + T = 540

and T = R + 120

Substituting this value of T in the previous equation gives R + (R + 120) = 540

or 2R + 120 = 540 so that 2R = 420 or R = 210.

Then T = R + 120 gives T = 210 + 120 = 330.

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Q: You have 540 rectangles and trapezoids you have 120 more trapezoids than rectangles How many of each do you have?
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Related questions

What DON'T rectangles and trapezoids have in common?

Trapezoids have only two sides parallel; rectangles have all four opposing sides parallel. Also, rectangles have 4 right angles, which is more than a trapezoid can have.

Quadrilaterals have no right angles?

Certain quadrilaterals have right angles. Right trapezoids are the most general example. Rectangles are specialized right trapezoids, and squares are specialized rectangles. There may be more but I can't recall them. Many rhombuses and parallelograms have no right angles. However, they might (and then you'd probably call them squares or rectangles but they are also technically rhombuses, parallelograms and trapezoids).

Are all quadrilaterals either trapezoids of parallelograms?

I'm going to make this simpler to look at. Quadrilaterals are 4 sided figures with sub-groups which are: squares,rectangles,trapezoids,parallelogrames, and rhombuses. Those are the main ones though I'm sure there more put there in the world.

What shapes has more than 3 vertices?

Squares, Rectangles, Rhombuses, Trapezoids, Quadrilaterals, Pentagons, Hexagons, Octagons, and Decagons. 3D figures include cubes, pyramids, square pyramids, and rectangular prisms.

Why does the formula work for trapezoids?

You can visualize the formula for the area - I guess that's what you mean - as multiplying the height by the average width.You can also derive it more formally, by splitting a typical trapezium into rectangles and triangles.

How do you figure the square footage of a home?

Model each floor of the house with one or more rectangles, compute the area of each of these rectangles, and sum them to the total square footage. If the shape of you house if really complicated you may have to throw a triangle in there, but most houses can be approximated well enough using rectangles.

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All rectangles are what kind of polygons?

All rectangles are quadrilaterals, and more specifically parallelograms.

Do trapezoids ever have 90 degree angles?

Yes but not more than 2

How many different rectangles can you make from 12 squares?

Assuming the 12 squares are the same size, three. And three more if you count different orientations (swapping length and breadth) as different rectangles.

Which country flag has two congruent rectangles?

Algeria, Angola, Burkina, Haiti, Indonesia, Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, Poland, San Marino, Singapore and Ukraine have flags with exactly two rectangles which are congruent. There are also many flags with more than two rectangles.

How many trapezoids are needed to make a hexagon?

Minimally, two (2) trapezoids are necessary to create a hexagon. (This solution comes from drawing a line straight across the center of the hexagon.) Most numbers (if not all) greater than two are also feasible, but with more finagling.