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d = 2q - 18; 10d + 25q = 945

10(2q - 18) + 25q = 945

20q - 180 + 25q = 945

45q = 1125

q = 25

You have 32 dimes ($3.20) and 25 quarters ($6.25)

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Q: You have 9.45 in quarters and dimes in your pocket The number of dimes is 18 less than twice the number of quarters How many of each do you have in your pocket?
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The coins in the store's cash register total 12.50 The cash register contains only nickels dimes and quarters There are twice as many dimes as nickels There are also twice as many quarters as di?

The coins in the store's cash register total $12.50. The cash register contains only nickels, dimes, and quarters. There are twice as many dimes as nickels. There are also twice as many quarters as dimes. How many quarters are in the cash register?

A coin collection worth 2.15 consists of nickels dimes and quarters If there are 13 coins and twice as many nickels as dimes how many of each are there?

7 quarters 2 dimes 4 nickels

Vivian has 4.50 all in quarters and dimes She has twice as many dimes as quarters How many of each coin does she have?

Let d= number of dimesq= number of quartersd=2q.25q+.10d=4.50.25q+.10(2q)=4.50.25q+.20q=4.50.45q=4.50q=10d=2qd=2(10)d=20Therefore, there are 10 quarters totaling $2.50 and 20 dimes totaling $2.00.

If Mia has twice as many quarters as dimes with a total of 3.60 how many of each coin does she have?

12 quarters and 6 dimes 2(.25x) + .10x = 3.60 50x + 10x = 360 60x = 360 x = 6

The coins in a cash register total 12.50 and there are only nickels dimes and quarters. There are twice as many dimes as nickels and there are twice as many quarters as dimes. How many of each coin?

There are 10 nickels, 20 dimes and 40 quarters in the cash register. The 10 nickels is 10 x 5 cents or 50 cents. The 20 dimes is 20 x 10 cents or 200 cents. The 40 quarters is 40 x 25 cents or 1000 cents. Converting and adding these, we get $0.50 + $2.00 + $10.00 = $12.50, which is the sum given in the question. Let's work through it. The number of nickels is N, the number of dimes is D and the number of quarters is Q. These are our variables in this problem. We don't know how many of them there are, and their numbers could vary. That's why we call them variables. We might also call them unknowns, too. A nickel is 5 cents, so the value of the nickels is the number of nickels, which is N, times the value of the nickel, which is 5 cents. That's 5N here. A dime is 10 cents, so the value of the dimes is the number of dimes, which is D, times the value of the dime, which is 10 cents. That's 10D here. A quarter is 25 cents, so the value of the quarters is the number of quarters, which is Q, times the value of the quarter, which is 25 cents. That's 25Q here. The sum of the values of the coins was given as $12.50, or 1250 cents, because we are working with coins, whose values are measured in cents. Further, we can write this expression as 5N + 10D + 25Q = 1250 on our way to the answer. Of the last two facts, the first was that there were twice as many dimes as nickels. We could write that as D = 2N because said another way, there are twice the number of dimes as nickels. We might also say that for every nickel, there are 2 dimes, so doubling the number of nickels will give us the number of dimes. The last fact is that there were twice as many quarters as dimes. We could write that as Q = 2D because said another way, thre are twice the number of quarters as dimes. We might also say that for every dime, there are 2 quarters, so doubling the number of dimes will give us the number of quarters. The last two bits of data we have allow us to solve the problem, because the do something special for us. Each bit of data expresses one variable in terms of another. That means we can make substitutions in our expressions for the sum of the values of the coins. Let's put up or original expression, and then do some substitutions. 5N + 10D + 25Q = 1250 This is the original expression. We know that D = 2N, so lets put the 2N in where we see D and expand things a bit. 5N + 10(2N) + 25Q = 1250 5N + 20N + 25Q = 1250 We changed the "look" of the expression, but we didn't change its value. Let's go on. We know that Q = 2D, so lets put that in. 5N + 20N + 25Q = 1250 5N + 20N + 25(2D) = 1250 5N + 20N + 50D = 1250 We're almost there. Remember that D = 2N, and we can substitute that in here. 5N + 20N + 50D = 1250 5N + 20N + 50(2N) = 1250 5N + 20N + 100N = 1250 Groovy! We have substituted variables and now have an expression with only one variable in it! Let's proceed. 5N + 20N + 100N = 1250 125N = 1250 We're close! N = 1250/125 = 10 N = 10 The number of nickels is 10, and because the nickel is 5 cents, the value of these coins is their number times their value, or 10 x 5 cents = 50 cents = $0.50 We were told the number of dimes was twice the number of nickels. This means that since there are 10 nickels, there will 2 x 10 or 20 dimes. And 20 x 10 cents = 200 cents = $2.00 We were also told the number of quarters was twice the number of dimes. This means that since there are 20 dimes, there will be 2 x 20 or 40 quarters. And 40 x 25 cents = 1,000 cents = $10.00 If we add the values of the coins, we should get the $12.50 that we were told was in the register. $0.50 + $2.00 + $10.00 = $12.50 We're in business. The value of each denomination of coins adds up to the given value of all the coins in the register. Piece of cake.

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If there twice as many dimes then quarters in 2.25 how many dimes are there?

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The coins in the store's cash register total 12.50 The cash register contains only nickels dimes and quarters There are twice as many dimes as nickels There are also twice as many quarters as di?

The coins in the store's cash register total $12.50. The cash register contains only nickels, dimes, and quarters. There are twice as many dimes as nickels. There are also twice as many quarters as dimes. How many quarters are in the cash register?

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Helen has twice as many dimes as nickels and five more quarters than nickels the value of her coins is 4.75 how many dimes does she have?

Mia has twice as many quarters as she has dimes If she has 3 dollars and60 cents total how many of each type of coin does she have?

12 quarters 6 dimes

A coin collection worth 2.15 consists of nickels dimes and quarters If there are 13 coins and twice as many nickels as dimes how many of each are there?

7 quarters 2 dimes 4 nickels

Vivian has 4.50 all in quarters and dimes She has twice as many dimes as quarters How many of each coin does she have?

Let d= number of dimesq= number of quartersd=2q.25q+.10d=4.50.25q+.10(2q)=4.50.25q+.20q=4.50.45q=4.50q=10d=2qd=2(10)d=20Therefore, there are 10 quarters totaling $2.50 and 20 dimes totaling $2.00.

A cash register contains 12.50 and there are only nickels dimes and quarters There are twice as many dimes as nickels and twice as many quarters as dimes How many quarters are in the cash register?

Nickles - 10 $0.50dimes - 20 $2.00quarters - 40 $10.000.50+2.00+10.00 = $12.50 containing 40 quarters---Here's how to solve this with Algebra :Let N be the number of nickels, so that2N is the number of dimes, and2(2N) or 4N is the number of quarters.A nickel is 5 cents, a dime is 10 cents, and a quarter is 25 cents,and the total in the cash register is $12.50Multiplying by their cents values, we have5(N) plus 10(2N) plus 25 (4N) = 12505N + 20N + 100N = 1250125 N = 1250N= 10So the number of nickels is 10, dimes 20, and quarters 40.

Jane has some nickels dimes and quarters which total 1.90 She has twice as many quarters as dimes she has three times as many quarters as nickels how many quarters does she have?

Peggy had three times as many quarters as nickels. She had $1.60 in all. How many nickels and how many quarters did she have?

If she has five more dimes than quarters but twice as many nickels as dimes?

The question is incomplete. Please post a new version with the rest of the problem.

A man has a mixture of nickels dimes and quarters in his pocket. He has 12 coins in all with a total of $1.20. If he had twice as many dimes as quarters how many of each coin does he have?

Each quarter is 25, and he has X quarters. Each dime is 10, and he has 2X dimes. Each nickel is 5. He has 12 coins in total, and all of the ones that are not quarters or dimes are nickels. Since quarters and dimes have to come in sets of 3, that's 12-3X. 25X + 10(2X) + 5(12-3X) = 120 25X + 20X - 15X + 60 =120 30X + 60 = 120 30X = 60 X = 2 He has 2 quarters, 4 dimes, and 6 nickels. To double check let's add them up: (2 * 25) + (4* 10) + (6 * 5) = 120

The coins in a cash register total 12.50 and there are only nickels dimes and quarters. There are twice as many dimes as nickels and there are twice as many quarters as dimes. How many many dimes are?

You need to define variables for the different types of coins, write the corresponding equations, then solve them. One equation for each fact. Here are the equations:5N + 10D + 25Q = 1250 D = 2N Q = 2D

If Mia has twice as many quarters as dimes with a total of 3.60 how many of each coin does she have?

12 quarters and 6 dimes 2(.25x) + .10x = 3.60 50x + 10x = 360 60x = 360 x = 6