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You solve it by...



Then:Subtract Again

Finally:Subtract and get the answer



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Q: You must use 4 fours to equal each of the first 10 numerals.EXAMPLE: 4 + 4 - 4 - 4 = 0 (this is a freebie)1=2=3=4=5=6=7=8=9=How do you solve this?
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four fours equals 24 not 23. or if u meant four 4ths, then it's 256.

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There are 100,230 fours.There are 100,230 fours.There are 100,230 fours.There are 100,230 fours.

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Three fours (12) is not equal to nine twelves (108). However, three over four (3/4) is equal to nine over twelve (9/12) which are known as equivalent fractions to each other.

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4/4 + 4 × 4/4

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4*4+4/4 = 17

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4 x 5 = 20 Therefore, the answer is 5

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4*(4! + 4/4)

What four fours can equal to 3?

(4 + 4 + 4) ÷ 4 = 12 ÷ 4 = 3.

How can 4 fours equal 9?

4+4+(4/4)=9 silly but simple as that.