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the prime factorization

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Q: What is it when you factor a whole number as a product of a prime numbers is called?
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When two numbers or more multiplied each number is called a product?

Each number is called a factor. The answer is the product.

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When two or more numbers are multiplied each number is called of the product?


What is a number multiplied by another number to find a product is called?

This would be called a "factor". A number may be made by multiplying two or more other numbers together. The numbers that are multiplied together are called factors of the final number.

A number that is multiplied by another number to get a product?

This is called a factor. Factors, by definition, are numbers you can multiply together to get another number, or a product.

Can you get every number on the product board by multiply 2 numbers on the factor list?

Yes, every number on the product board can be obtained by multiplying two numbers from the factor list. This is because each number on the product board is the product of two numbers from the factor list.

What is factor tree of a number?

A factor tree of number is (I think) the numbers that multiply together to form a product. They are prime numbers, too.

What do you call the numbers you get from multiplying by a number?

The numbers you get from multiplying by a number is called a product.I believe it's like this: factor x factor = productFor example 5x5=25. The two 5's are factors and the 25 is the product.

What is the number that is used as a factor when a number to get a product?

The number is called a base.

Which product has a factor pair in which both numbers are the same?

A square number

What is the product of greatest common factor?

If you divide the product of two given numbers by their GCF, the result will be their LCM.

Why is the product of two even numbers even?

An even number is any number that has '2' as a factor.When you multiply two numbers, you multiply all the factors of both of them.If '2' was a factor of either number, or of both, then it's a factor of their product,and the product must therefore be an even number.