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The formula for volume is equal to the area of the base times the height. The answer will be in cubic meters. It would be 3.62 times 12.34 which equals 44.67 cubic meters.

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Q: A column of liquid is 3.62 meters high and the area of its base is 12.34 square meters What is the volume of the column?
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you can't Square meters are a measure of area, cubic meters are a measure of volume. If you were told a cube has an area of 1064 square meters what is it's volume? then you could solve it but that is not what you have asked!

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Does not convert. Cubic meters is volume and square meters is area.

What is the volume of a column that is 3.62 meters high and the area of its base is 12.34 square meters?

pi x r2 x l You already have pir2 and l, so multiply them. 12.34*3.62= 44.6708m3

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If a face on a cube is 49 square meters the cube's volume is: 343 m3

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Convert 147.9 square meters to cubic meters?

it is impossible. square meters are for measuring an area cubic meters measure volume.

How do you convert 8cubic meters into square meters?

This is an invalid conversion: square meters is a measure of area and cubic meters is a measure of volume.

How many cubic meters in an area 59446 square meters with a depth of 7.5cm?

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Volume = 4000 m3

388 square meters to cubic meters?

Square meters is a measure of area while cubic meters is a measure of volume. One cannot simply be converted to the other. If the shape is a prism with area of the base equuals 388 square meters, you would multiply 388 by the height in meters to get volume in cubic meters. If it is another shape, you would need to find the volume in cubic meters by another method.