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Squares, rectangles, and rhombi are types of Trapazoids

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Q: Squares have four congruent sides and four angles that measure 45 degrees. True or False?
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Is congruent angles always 45 degrees?

No. If two angles are congruent they have the same measure. But that measure can be anything.

Which types of quadrilaterals have four congruent angles?

They are squares and rectangles that each have four congruent angles of 90 degrees which makes up a total of 360 degrees.

If two angles measure the same degrees then what is it?


Are the alternate interior angles always congruent?

Adjacent angles of a square? You have to have at least two squares to compare the congruency of angles. Since all the angles of a square equal 90 degrees, adjacent angles of any TWO squares will be congruent. I suggest you look up the definition of CONGRUENT. - wjs1632 -

What is the measure of one of the four congruent angles?

90 degrees

Which parallelograms have congruent diagonals?

Only rectangles (squares included) have congruent diagonals, because all their angles are congruent (90 degrees). If you have angles larger or smaller than 90 degrees it makes the diagonals different lengths.

Are the angles in a square are congruent?

Yes the 4 angles each measure 90 degrees

Do congruent angles have the same side measure?

The sides are the same length and internal angles the same

One pair of congruent angles in a parallelogram each measure 54 degrees What is the measure of each of the missing angles?

0 degrees F.

When are angles said to be congruent?

Angles having the same measure in degrees irrespective of how large the arms of one are compared to another are said to be congruent angles

If two supplementary angles are congruent then each has a measure of 90 degrees?


What parrelagram has 2 congruent angles that measure 90 degrees?

a rectangle