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If you mean endpoint (6, 9) and midpoint (7, 6) then the other endpoint is (8, 3)

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Q: What is the other endpoint of the line segment with the given endpoint and midpoint. Endpoint (6-9) midpoint (76)?
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How do you find an endpoint if you are given one endpoint and the midpoint?

If you are only given one endpoint and a midpoint, you know what the middle of the line segment is. Since the midpoint is half of what the line segment's length is, all you have to do is find the distance between the endpoint given and the midpoint, then add that coordinate to your midpoint and get your other endpoint. For example: Endpoint A: (4,5) Midpoint: (6,8) Distance between: (2,3) Add (2,3) to (6,8) and get Endpoint B: (8,11).

What constructions can be accomplished paper folding?

Finding the midpoint of a segment Drawing a perpendicular line segment from a given point to a given segment Drawing a perpendicular line segment through a given point on a given segment Drawing a line through a given point parallel to a given line

To construct the midpoint of a given line segment fold the paper so that the given line segment lies on itself and?

the endpoints lie on each other

What methods could you use to calculate the x-coordinate of the midpoint of a horizontal segment?

To calculate the x-coordinate of the midpoint of a horizontal segment, you simply take the sum of x-coordinate of the endpoints of the horizontal segment and divide this by two. An example is if one is given endpoints with th x and y coordinates 2,3 and 5,6. To find the midpoint of the x-coordinates add 2 and 5 and divide this by 2, or 7/2.

The endpoints of a segment are given Determine the midpoint of the segment if C 2 6 and D 4 0?

The midpoint formula is: [(x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2]. If we denote the coordinates of the point C as (x1, y1) = (2, 6), and the coordinates of the point D as (x2, y2) = (4, 0), we can find the coordinates of the midpoint by using the above formula. So, [(x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2] = [(2 + 4)/2, (6 + 0)/2] = (3, 3)

Related questions

How do you find an endpoint if you are given one endpoint and the midpoint?

If you are only given one endpoint and a midpoint, you know what the middle of the line segment is. Since the midpoint is half of what the line segment's length is, all you have to do is find the distance between the endpoint given and the midpoint, then add that coordinate to your midpoint and get your other endpoint. For example: Endpoint A: (4,5) Midpoint: (6,8) Distance between: (2,3) Add (2,3) to (6,8) and get Endpoint B: (8,11).

How do you find the length of a segment when given the endpoint and midpoint?

double the length

How do you find an endpoint if you are given the midpoint?

Given only the midpoint you cannot.

How do you find the midpoint of a segment with the endpoints -4 -14 -229?

There are only three endpoint given and these are not sufficient to define a segment of a line.

How do you find the other midpoint when given the endpoint and one midpoint?

i have found the answer dont worry.

How do you find the coordinates of the midpoint and endpoint of a diameter?

The answer depends on what information you have been given.

How do you find the other endpoint of the line segment with the given endpoint and midpoint?

Add the same amount again by finding the difference of the midpoint and end point. Example: If the end point is 3 and the mid point is 9. The difference between 3 and 9 is 6 so add 6 to 9 and get 15.

How do you find the center or midpoint of a circle given one endpoint of the diameter?

to be honest I dont know

How do you find an endpoint if you are given the other endpoint and the midpoint?

You practically just use the midpoint formula. M(x,y)= (x1 + x2, y1 + y2)---------- --------(the 2 is part of a fraction for the midpoint formula) ---> 2 2For ex.The midpoint of JK is (3,4). One endpoint is K(-3,-2).(-3 + y2 , -2 + y2).-------- ---------2 2You Multiply the midpoint coordinates to the denominators. So the midpoint coordinate 3 is multiplied to the first denominator and 4 is multiplied to the second denominator.The equations turn out to be:6=-3 + x2 AND 8= -2 + y2x2=9 y2=10so the Other endpoint's coordinates are (9,10)

How do you find the endpoint of a line segment when one endpoint is given and a point one third of the way is given?

There are two possible answers given the information. What isn't given is if the second point is one third of the way from the known or unknown endpoint. Say the known endpoint is (xe,ye) and the point one third of the way along is (xt,yt). If the point one third of the way is closest to the known endpoint, the other endpoint would be (xe+3*(xt-xe), ye+3*(yt-ye)). This is probably the answer implied by your question. If the point is closest to the unknown endpoint the the unknown endpoint is (xe+(3/2)*(xt-xe), ye+(3/2)*(yt-ye)).

How do you find an endpoint of a line if you are given an endpoint and the midpoint?

Ok.The midpoint formula: [(x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2]So for instance if your coordinates were endpoint : (-8,10) and the Midpoint: (-2,6)By substituting the given values into the formula we have:(x1 + -8)/2 = -2 and (y1 + 10)/2 = 6x1 - 8 = -4 and y1 + 10 = 12x1 -8 + 8 = -4 + 8 and y1 + 10 - 10 = 12 - 10x1 = 4 and y1 = 2so the endpoints coordinates are ( 4, 2)

How to find the endpoint if the midpoint and a endpoint is already given?

Ok.The midpoint formula: [(x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2]So for instance if your coordinates were endpoint : (-8,10) and the Midpoint: (-2,6)By substituting the given How_do_you_find_an_endpoint_of_a_line_if_you_are_given_an_endpoint_and_the_midpointinto the formula we have:(x1 + -8)/2 = -2 and (y1 + 10)/2 = 6x1 - 8 = -4 and y1 + 10 = 12x1 -8 + 8 = -4 + 8 and y1 + 10 - 10 = 12 - 10x1 = 4 and y1 = 2so the endpoints coordinates are ( 4, 2)