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At 140 lbs and male, if you drank 7.5 ounces of 80 proof liquor, which is six shots, or the equivalent of six beers in a short period like one hour, your blood alcohol level would rise to about 0.157, legally VERY intoxicated in all states. A female would be at 0.178. Check the link for a calculator.

Now if you drank the six drinks slowly throughout the day or evening, you could stay below intoxication levels. Entering 6 hours in the above site for 6 shots or beers yields the answer 0.072 if you are MALE, which is "Possibly Impaired, Do Not Drive", but not legally intoxicated in Texas, where the level is 0.08. If you are FEMALE, you would be at 0.093, which is "LEGALLY IMPAIRED, Do Not Drive!". The laws for DWI vary between states and are constantly changing. You can still get charged in some states even if you are not legally impaired.

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Q: What would your blood alcohol level be if you are 140 pounds and drink 7.5 ounces in one day?
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A standard drink refers to (a) 12 ounces of beer, (b) five ounces of wine or (c) 1 & 1/2 ounces of distilled spirits.

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Alcohol is absorbed through the blood stream

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dont drink

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