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Q: How much energy will the same glass sample gain when it is heated from 41.0 Celsius to 71.0 Celsius?
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Does glass looked different when heated opposed to glass not heated?

Yes, because if glass is heated it breaks, if glass is not heated it doesn't break.

Why does a piece of red glass rod when heated and taken out glows with green light?

When a red glass rod is heated, it absorbs energy and electrons move to higher energy levels. When these electrons return to their ground state, they release energy in the form of light. The green light observed is likely due to the specific composition of the glass, which may emit green light as the electrons transition back down to lower energy levels.

Can sand turn into glass?

Yes, when sand is heated to very high temperatures (around 1700 degrees Celsius), it can melt and then cool to form glass. This process is commonly used to make glass objects such as windows, bottles, and containers.

Do glass shrink when heated?

No, glass does not shrink when heated. In fact, glass expands when heated due to increased molecular movement. If glass is subsequently cooled down rapidly, it can crack or shatter due to thermal stress.

How can you melt sand to make glass?

To turn sand into glass, it needs to be heated to around 1700 degrees Celsius (3090 degrees Fahrenheit). This high temperature melts the sand and fuses the silica together, creating glass. The molten glass can then be shaped and cooled to harden into the desired form.

How hot can you burn sand to become glass?

Sand can be turned into glass when heated to a temperature of around 1700-2000 degrees Celsius (3090-3630 degrees Fahrenheit). This high temperature melts the silica in the sand, allowing it to fuse together and form glass.

Is mercury able to be heated up?

Yes, mercury can be heated up. Heat energy will cause mercury atoms to move more and spread out. This is actually how old thermometers would work. The higher the temperature, the more the particles would move and the more the liquid would expand. This would fill up the glass tube on the thermometer and make it possible to tell the temperature.

What do thermometers actually detect about the moving particles that make up a sample of matter?

Thermometers actually detect the temperature of moving particles in motion. Both mercury and alcohol (substances in thermometers) grow bigger when heated and smaller when cooled. Inside the glass tube of a thermometer, the liquid has no place to go but up when the temperature is hot and down when the temperature is cold.

Is dirt in the making of glass?

no, sand is heated to make glass :) youtwat.^.^

What is used to make glass?

sand is grinded and then heated and left to moult into glass

How is glass processed?

Glass is made by sand that is heated at extereme hot tempetures

What will happen if a glass ball is heated?

it will shatter