If an object is traveling at a constant velocity, its acceleration is 0. Even if it traveled for 2 years.
D = 60T where T is expressed in hours.
How you can use the speedometer and a clock to tall how far you've traveled in a car if the cars odometer is not working. Hint assume you are traveling at a constant velocity
250 miles
If an object is traveling at a constant velocity, its acceleration is 0. Even if it traveled for 2 years.
6 :D
The distance traveled by an automobile moving at a constant velocity is equal to the product of the velocity and the time traveled. This relationship assumes no changes in velocity or direction during the motion.
D = 60T where T is expressed in hours.
No. The total distance traveled divided by constant speed is the time interval.
You multiply the speed at which you are traveling by the time spent traveling.
If the graph is traveling at a constant speed of 1 unit per minute, then after 5 seconds it would have traveled 5/60 = 1/12 units. Therefore, the speed at 5 seconds is 1/12 units per second.
You can calculate the distance an object has traveled by multiplying its speed by the time it has been traveling. So, Distance = Speed x Time. If the object's speed is constant, you can simply multiply the speed by the total time traveled to get the distance.
"Have you traveled before?" The auxiliary verb "have been" is used with the present participle, "traveling."
The word travelled (also traveled) is the past participle, past tense of the verb to travel. The past participle of the verb is also an adjective: the traveled road; a well travelled adventurer.
They traveled by boats and horse carriages