In the position where the dirction of the magnetic field
is perpendicular (normal) to the unit area.
Er.. I'm not Einstein ;-) but I'll try and put you on the right track... The term "magnetic vector" refers to the amplitude and direction of the magnetic field associated with an electromagnetic wave. Hope this helps!
NO....... Chinese did. No European country invented printing press, paper, magnetic compass, gunpowder, etc... before the Chinese did. Chinese were the greatest inventors of all time.
magnetic forces are used in magnetic poles
All materials are magnetized when placed in the magnetic field . The material magnetized by the effect of a magnetic field is called magnetic permeability.
"Magnetic flux density" is also known as the magnetic field,The SI unit for this is the Tesla, written as T.CommentMagnetic flux density is not "also known as the magnetic field". It describes the intensity of a magnetic field.
The magnetic orientation of rocks can be used to track the movement of continents by recording the direction and intensity of Earth's magnetic field at the time the rocks formed. When rocks solidify, they lock in the orientation of Earth's magnetic field. By comparing the magnetic orientation of rocks from different locations, geologists can determine how the continents have drifted over time.
Rocks contain magnetic minerals that align with the Earth's magnetic field at the time of their formation. By analyzing the orientation of these minerals in rocks from different regions, scientists can reconstruct past positions of continents. This helps in tracing the movement and drift of continents over millions of years.
Paleomagnetism is the study of the Earth's magnetic field as recorded in rocks. When rocks form, they can lock in the orientation of the Earth's magnetic field at that time. By studying the magnetic orientation of rocks, scientists can determine the past positions of the Earth's magnetic poles, aiding in understanding continental drift and plate tectonics.
A change in the core would have the greatest effect on the Earth's magnetic field. The Earth's magnetic field is generated by the movement of liquid iron in the outer core. Any changes in the core can directly impact the strength and orientation of the magnetic field.
No, rocks on the seafloor do not all align according to the same magnetic field orientation. The Earth's magnetic field has shifted over time, causing rocks to record different orientations depending on when they formed. This creates magnetic anomalies that scientists use to study the history of the Earth's magnetic field.
Earths magnetic orientation is locked into the rock when the rock cools
During a magnetic pole reversal, the magnetic orientation of rocks changes to align with the new orientation of the Earth's magnetic field. This means that the magnetization of rocks will also reverse during a geomagnetic field reversal event.
A magnetic potential energy is neither electrical nor gravitational potential energy. It is a form of energy stored in a magnetic field due to the relative positions of magnetic objects or the orientation of magnetic dipoles.
Bands of rock on the seafloor showing alternating magnetic orientation indicate times when the Earth's magnetic field has reversed. These bands are created as new oceanic crust forms at mid-ocean ridges and records the direction of the Earth's magnetic field at the time of its formation. Studying these bands provides insight into the history of Earth's magnetic field reversals.
When lava cools and solidifies, magnetic minerals within it align themselves with Earth's magnetic field. By studying the orientation of these minerals in lava layers, scientists can track changes in the Earth's magnetic field over time. Reversals of the Earth's magnetic field are reflected in lava layers as bands of alternating magnetic orientation.
There is nothing -_-