

How do you determine the zeroes of a polynomial function?

Updated: 8/10/2022
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9y ago

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In the general case, this is quite tricky. In high school, you learn some simple cases. If the polynomial is of degree 2, you can use the quadratic function. For higher degrees, in some specific cases you can use the methods taught in high school to factor the polynomial. As you might know, once the polynomial is completely factored, it is quite trivial to find the zeros. But in the general case, you need some iterative method, which is more appropriate for a computer. From Wikipedia, article "Polynomial": "Numerical approximations of roots of polynomial equations in one unknown is easily done on a computer by the Jenkins-Traub method, Laguerre's method, Durand-Kerner method or by some other root-finding algorithm." You can read about any of these methods for more information; but don't expect a formula where you just "plug in some numbers"; rather, those are iterative methods, that is, you need to repeat a certain calculation over and over until you get a root of a polynomial with the desired accuracy.

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Darion Mohr

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Q: How do you determine the zeroes of a polynomial function?
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