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A regular octahedron.

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Q: I am a polyhedron. All my faces are the same. All my faces are equilateral triangles. I have 8 sides?
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What polyhedron has eight sides all of the faces are equilateral triangles and all of the faces are the same?

What polyhedron has eight sides and all of the are equilateral triangle?

What is a Polyhedron with eight sides that are triangles?

Octahedron- A polyhedron with eight faces. All faces of a regular octahedron are congruent, equilateral triangles.

What polyhedron all your sides are the sameandall of my faces are equilateral triangles?

Tetrahedron, icosahedron.

What is a polyhedron with eight sides that are equilateral triangles?

A regular octahedron.

What are platonic solids?

Tetrahedron, Hexahedron(cube), Octahedron, Dodecahedron, and Icosahedron

What polyhedron is a geometric solid where all the faces are the same and all the faces are equalateral triangles and has eight sides?

Octohedron, or diamond

What are the regulars?

The plural of "polyhedron" is "polyhedra." There are only 5 regular polyhedra:Tetrahedron, 4 sides, all equilateral trianglesCube (or hexahedron), 6 sides, all squaresOctohedron, 8 sides, all equilateral trianglesDodecahedron, 12 sides, all equilateral pentagonsIcosahedron, 20 sides, all equilateral triangles

What are the regular polyhedra?

The plural of "polyhedron" is "polyhedra." There are only 5 regular polyhedra:Tetrahedron, 4 sides, all equilateral trianglesCube (or hexahedron), 6 sides, all squaresOctohedron, 8 sides, all equilateral trianglesDodecahedron, 12 sides, all equilateral pentagonsIcosahedron, 20 sides, all equilateral triangles

What are the flat sides of a polyhedron?

They are the faces of the polyhedron.

Can equilateral triangles be isosceles triangles?

no. Equilateral triangles have all equal sides. Isoceles triangles only have 2 congruent sides. Isosceles triangles have 2 equal sides.

What solid figure has 4 equal sides?

A pyramid with a triangular base. The faces are 4 equilateral triangles.

Are Triangles equilateral triangles?

Triangles are equilateral triangles only when all of their 3 sides are equal in lengths.