The city of Houston covers an area of 601.7 square miles (1,558 km2)
The mileage from Houston to Gettysburg is only 1437.81 miles while the mileage to the more distant Philadelphia is 1,571.80 miles
Four thousand seven hundred twenty-four (4,724) is the air mileage from Manchester, England, to Houston, Texas. That equals 7,603 kilometers or 4,105 nautical miles.
Eight thousand five hundred eighty-six (8,586) is the air mileage from Houston, Texas, to Sydney, Australia. That equals 13,816 kilometers or 7,460 nautical miles.
Houston, Texas, USA - 601.7 square miles.
It is 1,003.49 miles according to MapQuest.
793.12 miles from Atlanta to Houston.
The actual square mileage is 10,714
distance from Houston to Toronto
The square mileage of Worcester, MA is approximately 38.6 square miles.
Mississippi has a total square mileage of around 48,430 square miles.
The mileage from Houston to Gettysburg is only 1437.81 miles while the mileage to the more distant Philadelphia is 1,571.80 miles
what is the square mileage of the BH post code in the UK
Estimated distance: 614.72 miles
4,791 miles
The air mileage from Houston, Texas, to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is 963. That equals 1,550 kilometers or 837 nautical miles.
The air mileage from Houston, Texas, to Sao Paulo, Brazil, is 4,892. That equals 7,872 kilometers or 4,251 nautical miles.
The sea mileage from Houston, Texas, to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is 837. That equals 963 air miles or 1,550 kilometers.