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That depends what information is known! For instance, if you know the semi-major axis (which is, roughly speaking, the average distance from the Sun), you can work it out using Kepler's Third Law.

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the equatorial speed of a rotating plant would be 1 600km/h.

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You would take a sample, and calculate the density of the sample.

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Q: How do you calculate the velocity of any planet?
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Which planet has the lowest orbital velocity?

Pluto is the planet that has the lowest orbital velocity relative to that of the earth. The orbital velocity of Pluto is 0.159.

How do you calculate acceleration as the rate at which velocity changes?

By taking the derivative of the velocity. You learn about derivatives in any introductory book on Calculus. a = dv/dt.

Why would escape velocity be different on a different planet?

The escape velocity is determined by the gravity of the planet which in turn is determined by the mass and size of the planet

The period of the planet's revolution can be use to calculate the?

If you know any two of the following you can calculate the third: -Period of planet's revolution -Orbital Speed -Distance from sun

Does every planet have an escape velocity?

"Escape velocity" is defined as the velocity required in order to guarantee that the object will not fall back under the influence of the planet's gravitational attraction. If it's possible to escape from a planet's gravitational attraction, then an escape velocity can be defined and calculated.

How do calculate the velocity of the boat relative to the shore?

Add the rivers velocity to the boats velocity

Why do you need to calculate velocity instead of speed?

Speed and Velocity are two different things . Velocity- "the rate at which an object changes its position." Speed- "How fast an object is moving". To calculate speed and velocity, you first need to calculate distance and time. Velocity is considered to be a more logical term

What is the escape velocity of planet Jupiter in miles per hour?

The escape velocity of planet Jupiter is: ~133,097.71 miles per hour.

How can you find the weight of of humans on other planets?

1). As an artificial space vehicle approaches and passes another planet, we can observe the effect of the other planet on its motion. 2). Knowing the vehicle's mass, and the effect the other planet has on its motion, we can calculate the other planet's mass. 3). Knowing the time the other planet takes to revolve around the sun, we can calculate its distance from the sun. 4). Knowing the other planet's distance from the sun, and its apparent size as seen from earth, we can calculate its actual size. 5). Knowing the other planet's actual size and mass, we can calculate the gravitational field at its surface, or at any distance from its center. 6). Knowing the gravitational field at any distance from the center of the other planet, we can calculate the weight that any familiar object would have if it were on or near that planet.

When object moves upwards what is the velocity and acceleration?

When an object is moving upwards, its velocity is directed upwards. If the object is near the Earth or any other planet, then its acceleration is directed downwards, which also means that its upward velocity is decreasing.

Why do you had to calculate acceleration with velocity?

Because acceleration is the rate of change of velocity: it is a measure of how quickly velocity is changing.

What two pieces of information are required to calculate average velocity?

Time and velocity