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Q: If the vertex e of a square is inside a square abcd the vertices f g and h are outside the square abcd. side ef meets the side CD at x. side eh meets the side ad at y. if exey prove that e lies on bd?
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Related questions

How many vertex does square pyramid have?

A square pyramid has 5 vertices. The plural of vertex is vertices.

What is the vertex in a square?

there are 4 vertices(singular vertex) of a square. the pointed edges are called vertex

How many vertex are in a square?

There are 4 vertices in a square.

How many vertex does a square has?

vertices... and 8

Where are the diagonals of a square?

They go from the vertices of the square to the opposite vertex.

Does a square pyramid have one vertex?

It has 5 vertices.

What are the names of vertices of a square?

A square has four vertices. Each corner of the square is one vertex. For example, a square with sides ABCD will have vertices A, B, C, and D.

What is the difference between vertex and vertices?

vertices are the corners of something fo example a square has 4 vertices and a vertex is the point of intersection of lines or the point opposite the base of a figure

How many more vertices does a triangle prism have than a square pyramid?

Triangular prism has 6 vertices. Square pyramid has 5 vertices. Answer: 1 vertex.

What is a vertex in a three dimensional figure?

The vertex or vertices (plural) are the points that a 3-dimensional figure makes. A square-based pyramid will have 5 vertices, the 4 points the square makes, and the point at the top of the pyramid

How many vertex dose saquare pyramid have?

A square pyramid has 5 vertices

How many vertices are in square-based pyramid?

There are four vertices in a square-base pyramid. * * * * * Actually. a square based pyramid has four vertices at its base and a fifth vertex where the triangular sides of the pyramid meet. So, 5 vertices in all.