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It wasn't until the late 1700's did the catholic church finally adapt the heliocentre theory after a mass poverty crisis which made them lose almost all of their power.

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) first purposed the theory in his monumental work, De Revolutionibus, Orbium Coelestium (On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres). Being lucky enough to die almost on the date of its publication, he did not suffer any punishment from the Catholic church, but his followers certainly did. Giordano Bruno was seized by the Inquisition, a Church tribunal, in 1600 and, refusing to denounce the Copernican theory, was burned at the stake.

Tyco Brahe (1546-1601) Accidently positively influenced one of his followers when he tried his very best to disprove Copernicus's theory. His follower who he selected in his last year of his life was Johannes Kepler.

Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) Using Tycho's work, Kepler derived three basic laws of planetary motion. The first two laws resulted from his inability to fit Tycho's observations of Mars to a circular orbit. He later realized that it's orbit was elliptical. About the same time, he realized that the orital speed of Mars varies ina predictable way. As it approaches the Sun, it speeds up, and as it moves away from the Sun, it slows down. In 1609, Kepler proposed his first two laws of planertary motion. Kepler then later discovered a third law in which he published in The Harmony of the

Worlds. For more info on his laws, visit:'s_laws_of_planetary_motion

Keplers laws assert that the planets revolve around the Sun and therefore support the Copernican theory. Kepler however did fall short of determining the forces that act to produce the planetary motion he had so ably described.

Galileo Galilei (1546-1642) He was a contemporary of Kepler and like Kepler, strongly supported the Copernican theory. Having the aid of telescope, Galileo managed to have visual support of the Copernican theory and made 5 new discoveries.

For more info on his discoveries, visit: (Scroll under the Astronomy tab)

In 1616 the Church condemned the Copernican theory and this almost forced Galileo into submission, but being sly, he managed to successfully pull of a mass publication of his new work Dialogue of the Great World Systems. Being a dialogue that expounded both the Ptolemaic and Copernican systems, it was allowed to be published by Pope Urban VII. Very quickly though, his enemies discovered that Galileo was actually promoting the Copernican system publication was halted. The Church then put him under house arrest.

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The Heliocentric theory. However, the Church did not oppose the theory but the fact that Galileo was teaching it as fact and it had not been proven as such at the time.

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Approximately the year 1506.

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Q: What theory did Catholic Church oppose regarding the center of the universe?
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What was the conflict in Galileo life?

There was a major conflict with the catholic church. They reportedly did not think the time was right to allow people to believe that the world was not the center of the universe, as was implied by the bible.

Why was Galileo's discovery so threatening to the church?

because catholics believed in geocentrism which is the theory that everything revolves around the earth, and for someone to disprove this theory would probably annoy them.The Church was scared of losing their power/political authority if people found out that there were flaws behind the church's beliefs. They even burned Giordano Bruno at the stake for believing that the stars were suns and that the universe was infinite. The pope at the time then said it heresy to believe in heliocentrism. Heliocentrism meant that the sun was in the center of the solar system and the planets revolved around it. But the church had said that the Earth was in the center. And that the Earth was the center of the universe and that the Catholic church was the center of religion in the world.

What position did purporting the sun center theory put Galileo in with the Roman Catholic Church?

the roman catholic church basically hated anyone who disgagreed with them.. galileo disagreed with their idea that the earth was the center of the universe, so extremely long story extremely short...they hated him and punished him severely...they pretty much made his life hell

Why did Galileo displease the Church?

Because he found out that the earth was not the center the center of the universe, the catholic church didn't want to believe that it was true. they have ONLY RECENTLY apologized and said " oh oops my bad , it is true ". :)Because he found out that the earth was not the center the center of the universe, the catholic church didn't want to believe that it was true.

Who argued that the earth was the center of solar system not the sun?

The Roman Catholic Church

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What were the long-held beliefs of the Catholic Church that scientists challenged?

That the Earth was the center of the Universe.

What was the middle aged view of the universe?

The Catholic church taught that the earth was the center of the universe and all things moved around the earth. Man was the greatest creature of the universe.

Did scientific think the earth was the center of the universe?

Yes, for close to 1,400 years everyone believed the Earth was the center of the universe. It was not till 1543 that a man named Copernicus created a model with the sun as the center of the universe. The Catholic Church clung to the idea of the Earth as the center of the universe for over 90 years.

Who was forced to admit publicly that earth stood motionless at the center of the universe?

Galileo, who struggled against the Catholic Church to have the theories of Copernicus accepted.

Who was forced to admit publicly that the earth stood motionless at the center of the universe.?

Galileo, who struggled against the Catholic Church to have the theories of Copernicus accepted.

What is the center of the Catholic Church?

The Eucharist

Who was forced to admit publicly that the earth stood motionless at the center of the universe?

Galileo, who struggled against the Catholic Church to have the theories of Copernicus accepted.

Why was Galileo Galilei charged with hernesy?

At the time, the official position of the church regarding the heavenly bodies was that the universe was geocentric, that is, that the earth was the center of the universe. This concept came from older Greek thought, founded by Aristotle. During this time, the Protestant Reformation had gained significant influence and it was up to the Catholic church to rein in control of its followers. As a result, any persons not adhering strictly to Catholic doctrine were charged with heresy. Since Galileo sought to prove the ideas of Copernicus, that is the universe was heliocentric( sun-centered), he was charged with heresy.

During the scientific what belief did the catholic church support?

The answer you are looking for is probably the belief that the Earth was the center of the universe, but in reality, the Church always supported the belief that God is the center of the universe, and man was His primary creation on the earth. Thus any scientific discovery had to be consistent with Christianity, as God is One, and certainly logical.

During the Scientific Revolution what belief did the Catholic church?

The answer you are looking for is probably the belief that the Earth was the center of the universe, but in reality, the Church always supported the belief that God is the center of the universe, and man was His primary creation on the earth. Thus any scientific discovery had to be consistent with Christianity, as God is One, and certainly logical.

Do you think the catholic church objected to Galileo's theorie's so strongly?

Its because he proposed the idea that the earth was not the center of the Universe, rather the sun was. This idea went against what the church had been saying.

What was the crime that Galileo did?

The Crime of Galileo posited that the Sun was the center of the universe instead of the Earth. The was directly opposed to the teaching of the Catholic Church, who deemed Galileo a heretic.